FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

heart attack?
get vigged by another villager?

Have we really not caught a single wolf off of mech this entire game

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they obv meant by wolves

dyachei isn’t an “easy” ITA/lynch fodder though

don’t they/them me
ngl i thrink ppl w/ kinda weird claim stuff is like. boob1 lol but i havebt read it only the may summary

I mean, I don’t think a lot of investigatives have flipped

there is not a lot of mech going around for that, I think.
leafia being caught based of superlike is the closest mech that comes to mind

Also has anybody else had their charges removed this game?

There has been no red checks

but I think Someone looked really bad by role

flipped town role iirc

Yeah Leafia was caught based on TMIing that her poison was fake but she was also only being given a pass for the day because of the poison

Which one?



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I just they/them people when I don’t remember what pronouns they go by

I don’t think I can be my role plus backup.

What did you claim?

Didn’t claim anything.

i specifically dont use they/them

Oh. You sent spf a boosted ITA, right?