FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

@Apocryphal Can you place any more marks?

I have 2 marks from event prizes, but I can’t use them both on the same person

Not unless I get really lucky

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Hosts definitely know a lot about BotC, but I kinda don’t think they’d design the role expecting players to know a lot about BotC, and so IDK if they’d design it so you get false info sometimes

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Because that’s just silly


@Jarek has received a cookie!

Does anybody else have marks? Zug did but he KILLED HIMSELF cries

Cookie moment


yeah thats fair, luckily i do know botc so i was able to read my role and just go “oh its amne” instead of trying to understand everythig lol

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tfw i am not able to shake cookies being a wolf thing bc the dark side has cookies

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Pretty sure the cookie are just an innate game mechanic

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My pokemon knowledge is basically up thru gen 5

and not that good to begin with

I wanted to look up the name but there wasn’t time

I’ll try not to forget it

I had the likeness in my head, it’s someone here’s pfp, but no name

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Ash and May have to be the same alignment if I’m understanding this correctly.

Idk why that is true but that’s what people are saying.

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it was in the OP