FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

Give it to me so I can shoot myself lol

I can’t give it away

kai no lesser god NOW

That doesn’t make it Windward’s in fact it says the exact opposite.

It became sealed around SoD3. So if it was backed up… it should’ve been backed up N2? That’s. Interesting

I could either use it (protect myself from a night kill some amount of times, attempt to destroy it (one try at doing this) or give it away

I used it, and now it will kill me


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What do u mean it will now.kill u


anyone else find it highly likely that the ring starts as a scum role bearing it

That doesn’t make sense cuz the super like vigs presumably happened form n1.

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i mean nya if i was a wolf with an item that kills a townie if they use it i would probably give it to another wolf with a bad role nya because even if they failed to kill the townie they could protect themselves nya

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Yeah, it doesn’t. I’m trying to puzzle it out

Once I get a certain amount of charges from the ring, it kills me and then scatters to some other poor soul (presumably, who knows now that Windward, the dark lord, is dead)

Every night I gain one charge, using it gives me two charges instead of one charge

Explain why a ring that kills a villager would only be passed among villagers and villager roles.

I get that it’s a reference to that meme

I just don’t know who the character is tbh

from what i understand nya if windward did receive it they would lostbpart of their ability nya but be able to protect themselves with it permanently? nya

This might be important but idk

kai omega strikers

To be fair

Selkie and I both didn’t know that the dark lord role was town

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