FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

It’s basically the thing Selkie said.

I’m just checking something first :joy_cat:

I am spooky

Can you read their posts and translate bc I genuinely fucking cannot

Didn’t he just post it an hour ago

telling me that shooting them is outing is genuinely making me want to blast em when i didn’t before lol owo

alright yeah I’d be good to become King if it gave abilities

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don’t see anything about chaos there owo?


Like idk that I will be able to resist

I think Frost is just lashing out at how me, Hallia, and Ephemera saw Frost’s vote for Hallia and went “This is not it, king”

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do i just have no reading comprehension?

Vote me for King y’all, I’m Vanilla and I wanna do something else :raised_hand:

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you asking this is a town tell for frost, genuinely lol.

But I can get that he is a bit… zany

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king me :crown:


Also couldn’t find Selkie’s post

Please read them then and get back to me

what if we campaigned

together :point_right::point_left:

vote me for king or get ITA’d

I feel like this is a warcrime