FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

No my role is a doctor but if I die you will die on the earliest possible EOD after me if that’s babysitter then lol

Doctor who kills their target if they die

Yeah that’s babysitter nya.

CPR doctor 2.0

Yeah Babysitter. Who did you target each night


crazynuto’s full role has been revealed, and Achromatic, Leafia, and Porscha have had their flips updated.

crazynuto’s original role:

Click here for crazynuto's original rolecard
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Fun fact this was in the MU hydra game and Anne and I hosted.

Had no idea what babysitter was and didn’t ask until about middle of Day 3.




Daeron got outed after that so from then on out it was less obvious people

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gocj someone and then ephemera

brad it was also in nightmare mash which you cohosted

you may ask why gocj

well they wanted me dead so I thought it’d be funny to treat them to a little dying if they got their wish


That was a long ass time ago also there’s a chance I didn’t make that role nya.

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Babysitter is more vengeful than doctor anyway

I created the fucking yeet miller that was flipped on Day 4 and messed everything up. nya :sob:

i feel like in your thread position its better to use it as a doc but also what do i know

… i don’t think that’s the whole flip

Feel like hero shooting eliza do I do it gang

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Being called town by people makes me suspicious of them you know :moyai: