FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

Or wolves can not kill him, and let the wifom begin

Yeah it’s just WIFOM fest. Sounds like fun! Let’s do it

if wolves dont kill him he can go on me to confirm anyways tho too. which acc probs would make wolves rather kill him

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OK i will shut up i am a biased party here

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Shut the hell up please and just let Jarek pick, don’t direct the wolves

I think this might just be the cannons again? If it is, it explains the extra kill - Achro’s cannon went through rather than Wazza’s


Need to find the codenames prize

oh may what did u do w the gartic prize?

I marked Meuh and Jarek as previously mentioned

nod nod nya

I chickened out of marking boob1 and insomnia which were probably better choices


How many wolves left we thinking?


Mech suggests exactly 2

Kk good to know

anyways ill probs? go to sleep soon? iiiiiill uhhh end up using arrow + b4 ita3 i think

arrow + my ita

I’m like 99% certain that mueh will come back and not claim, regardless of their slignment