FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

Have these actually killed someone?


i’m confirmed the tutu role

i claimed the only one i had

yeah one of them killed marluxion
they do HP damage

Hidden location

Come out you chickens!

Zone’s ash4’s Stuff (Important)

ITA Tracker
Full Version
Players D2 Shotlist D3 Shotlist D4 Shotlist D5 Shotlist
Achromatic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hippopablompoyeetus) (Someone)
alexandra (katze)
an_gorta_slanktai (Italy) (Gorta) (beancat) (Achromatic)
Apocryphal (Garfooled) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Hehehaha420blazing) (an_gorta_slanktai) (Achromatic)
Ari (Italy) (Ranta) (Millium) (MISS!)
Artemis (gori) (Ash)
Ash (benguinedparbecue) (carbonated)
ash4fun (tris) (Ranta) (Ari) (Baudib1)
Ashlyn (beancat) (pandora) (beancat) (Baudib1)
Atlas (Leafia) (Bionic)
Baudib1 (alexandra) (Hehehaha420blazing) (Refunded), (Ash) (Someone) (ash4fun)
beancat (alexandra) (Ash)
benguinedparbeque (Jinrou), (Cape90) (Daeron) (+1) (+2)
Bionic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (SilverKeith)
BradLand (Italy) (Kelsier) (beancat) (Baudib1)
Brakuren (Garfooled) (pandora)
bystander (Leafia) (beancat)
Cape90 (Bionic)
carbonated (LittleLee) (Gorta) (Someone)
CarrotyReaper (Leafia) (Brakuren) (gori) (Baudib1)
ChaosNinjaGaming (Cape90) (Kelsier) (gori)
crazynuto (Ash)
Creature (Artemis) (Gorta) (MISS!) (Kork)
Dum (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic) (Refunded), (Meuh)
dyachei (Leafia) (+1), (Italy) (+1) (+2) (Bionic), (Gorta) (MISS!) (+1) (MISS!), (Hehehaha420blazing), (Kelsier) (gori) (+1) (+2) (+3), (Kork) (Achromatic) (+1), (Bystander) (+1) (+2)
ElizaThePsycho (Italy) (+1) (Ash) (Someone) (Bystander)
Ephemera (Ashlyn) (Gorta) (gori) (Bystander)
Frostwolf103 (Jarek) (pandora) (Marluna)
Gocj (tris)
gori (Bionic)
Gorta (benguinedparbecue)
Hallia (Leafia) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic) (Kork) (Bystander)
Hazardwaste (alexandra) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (pandora) (Marluna)
Hehehaha420blazing (Zugzwang)
Hippopablompoyeetus (benguinedparbacue)
Italy (Leafia)
jail (Italy)
JakeTheWolfie (Luxy) (+1)
Jane (Garfooled) (Hippopablompoyeetus)
Jarek (carbonated) (pandora) (Someone)
Jinrou (nutella) (Manny)
Kanave (alexandra) (Bionic) (Refunded), (Gorta) (Frostwolf103) (Baudib1)
katze (Cape90)
Kelsier (alexandra) (+1) (+2) (Refunded)
Leafia (Jinrou)
LittleLee (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!)
Lucid_Daydream (benguinedparbecue) (Bionic) (Refunded), (Gorta) (beancat)
Manny (tris) (benguinedparbecue) (MISS!)
Marluna (Magnus) (carbonated) (beancat) (Bystander)
Marluxion (Magnus)
May (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (gori) (Refunded), (ChaosNinjaGaming) (Bystander)
Memekingpizza (Jarek) (pandora) (gori)
Meuh (Italy) (carbonated) (Dum)
Millium (Artemis) (Ash) (beancat)
neil_the_eel (Italy) (Refunded), (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Gorta) (Frostwolf103)
nutella (Artemis) (Gorta)
Porscha (Cape90)
Ranta (Artemis) (carbonated)
Sadbi (Jinrou) (Forgotten), (LittleLee)
Selkie (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hehehaha420blazing) (ChaosNinjaGaming) (Bystander)
SilverKeith (benguinedparbecue)
SirDerpsAlot (Kiiruma) (Jarek)
Someone (alexandra) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (carbonated) (carbonated)
Stick (Garfooled)
tris (Jinrou)
Wazza (beancat) (Someone) (gori)
WindwardAway (Amelia) (Marluna)
Yawn (Cape90) (Hehehaha420blazing) (gori) (Bystander)
Zone_Q11 (Marluxion) (+1), (Achromatic) , (LittleLee), (Ephemera), (Marluna) (Gorta), (Ash) (+1) (+2) (+3) (+4) (Someone) (+1) (+2) (+3) (MISS!) (+4) (+5)
Zugzwang (Cape90) (Gorta)

ITA Tracker (Compressed Version)

Players D2 Shotlist D3 Shotlist D4 Shotlist D5 Shotlist
Apocryphal (Garfooled) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Hehehaha420blazing) (an_gorta_slanktai) (Achromatic)
ash4fun (tris) (Ranta) (Ari) (Baudib1)
Ashlyn (beancat) (pandora) (beancat) (Baudib1)
BradLand (Italy) (Kelsier) (beancat) (Baudib1)
bystander (Leafia) (beancat)
CarrotyReaper (Leafia) (Brakuren) (gori) (Baudib1)
dyachei (Leafia) (+1), (Italy) (+1) (+2) (Bionic), (Gorta) (MISS!) (+1) (MISS!), (Hehehaha420blazing), (Kelsier) (gori) (+1) (+2) (+3), (Kork) (Achromatic) (+1), (Bystander) (+1) (+2)
ElizaThePsycho (Italy) (+1) (Ash) (Someone) (Bystander)
Ephemera (Ashlyn) (Gorta) (gori) (Bystander)
Hallia (Leafia) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic) (Kork) (Bystander)
Jarek (carbonated) (pandora) (Someone)
Kanave (alexandra) (Bionic) (Refunded), (Gorta) (Frostwolf103) (Baudib1)
Marluna (Magnus) (carbonated) (beancat) (Bystander)
May (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (gori) (Refunded), (ChaosNinjaGaming) (Bystander)
Meuh (Italy) (carbonated) (Dum)
Millium (Artemis) (Ash) (beancat)
neil_the_eel (Italy) (Refunded), (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Gorta) (Frostwolf103)
Selkie (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hehehaha420blazing) (ChaosNinjaGaming) (Bystander)
SirDerpsAlot (Kiiruma) (Jarek)
Yawn (Cape90) (Hehehaha420blazing) (gori) (Bystander)
D1 ~ D4 Final Vote Counts
POE of "living players who have not done any ITA damage to a dead Mafia"
  • Ephemera
  • Marluna
  • Millium
  • neil

oh hell yeah +1 on my dashboard time to respond-


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Who do I shoot 1 is 30 mins into my shift

No but same :sob:

No one agrees with me on bys anymore apparently so idk

Ya I’ve been bad, mashes are hard for me to solve, I have no opinion

idk, I think it’s reasonably likely a hit

I remember noticing yesterday that they aren’t in their town meta, if paradox hazard is anything to go by.

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That’s what I’ve been saying


Other than that

I feel like my brain is fried
like I don’t even know anything anymore

I’m about to fight the entire city of Paris

I was about to fight Paris once, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

They’re being jerk faces ATM (we’re doing a maintenance contract with them)

Paris, France?

Why does a company in the Us have a maintenance contract with the city of Paris?
Don’t they have french people for that?

We have customers all over the world! They buy our gas/electric/water meters or our software (for Paris it’s actually their streetlights we maintain, I’m renewing their 10 year contract and they’re being hella fussy)