FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

Zone’s ash4’s Stuff (Important)

ITA Tracker
Full Version
Players D2 Shotlist D3 Shotlist D4 Shotlist D5 Shotlist
Achromatic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hippopablompoyeetus) (Someone)
alexandra (katze)
an_gorta_slanktai (Italy) (Gorta) (beancat) (Achromatic)
Apocryphal (Garfooled) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Hehehaha420blazing) (an_gorta_slanktai) (Achromatic)
Ari (Italy) (Ranta) (Millium) (MISS!)
Artemis (gori) (Ash)
Ash (benguinedparbecue) (carbonated)
ash4fun (tris) (Ranta) (Ari) (Baudib1)
Ashlyn (beancat) (pandora) (beancat) (Baudib1)
Atlas (Leafia) (Bionic)
Baudib1 (alexandra) (Hehehaha420blazing) (Refunded), (Ash) (Someone) (ash4fun)
beancat (alexandra) (Ash)
benguinedparbeque (Jinrou), (Cape90) (Daeron) (+1) (+2)
Bionic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (SilverKeith)
BradLand (Italy) (Kelsier) (beancat) (Baudib1)
Brakuren (Garfooled) (pandora)
bystander (Leafia) (beancat) (Meuh) (MISS!)
Cape90 (Bionic)
carbonated (LittleLee) (Gorta) (Someone)
CarrotyReaper (Leafia) (Brakuren) (gori) (Baudib1)
ChaosNinjaGaming (Cape90) (Kelsier) (gori)
crazynuto (Ash)
Creature (Artemis) (Gorta) (MISS!) (Kork)
Dum (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic) (Refunded), (Meuh)
dyachei (Leafia) (+1), (Italy) (+1) (+2) (Bionic), (Gorta) (MISS!) (+1) (MISS!), (Hehehaha420blazing), (Kelsier) (gori) (+1) (+2) (+3), (Kork) (Achromatic) (+1), (Bystander) (+1) (+2)
ElizaThePsycho (Italy) (+1) (Ash) (Someone) (Bystander)
Ephemera (Ashlyn) (Gorta) (gori) (Bystander)
Frostwolf103 (Jarek) (pandora) (Marluna)
Gocj (tris)
gori (Bionic)
Gorta (benguinedparbecue)
Hallia (Leafia) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic) (Kork) (Bystander)
Hazardwaste (alexandra) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (pandora) (Marluna)
Hehehaha420blazing (Zugzwang)
Hippopablompoyeetus (benguinedparbacue)
Italy (Leafia)
jail (Italy)
JakeTheWolfie (Luxy) (+1)
Jane (Garfooled) (Hippopablompoyeetus)
Jarek (carbonated) (pandora) (Someone) (Meuh)
Jinrou (nutella) (Manny)
Kanave (alexandra) (Bionic) (Refunded), (Gorta) (Frostwolf103) (Baudib1)
katze (Cape90)
Kelsier (alexandra) (+1) (+2) (Refunded)
Leafia (Jinrou)
LittleLee (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!)
Lucid_Daydream (benguinedparbecue) (Bionic) (Refunded), (Gorta) (beancat)
Manny (tris) (benguinedparbecue) (MISS!)
Marluna (Magnus) (carbonated) (beancat) (Bystander)
Marluxion (Magnus)
May (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (gori) (Refunded), (ChaosNinjaGaming) (Bystander)
Memekingpizza (Jarek) (pandora) (gori)
Meuh (Italy) (carbonated) (Dum) (an_gorta_slanktai)
Millium (Artemis) (Ash) (beancat)
neil_the_eel (Italy) (Refunded), (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Gorta) (Frostwolf103) (SirDerpsAlot)
nutella (Artemis) (Gorta)
Porscha (Cape90)
Ranta (Artemis) (carbonated)
Sadbi (Jinrou) (Forgotten), (LittleLee)
Selkie (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hehehaha420blazing) (ChaosNinjaGaming) (Bystander)
SilverKeith (benguinedparbecue)
SirDerpsAlot (Kiiruma) (Jarek) (Ashlyn)
Someone (alexandra) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (carbonated) (carbonated)
Stick (Garfooled)
tris (Jinrou)
Wazza (beancat) (Someone) (gori)
WindwardAway (Amelia) (Marluna)
Yawn (Cape90) (Hehehaha420blazing) (gori) (Bystander)
Zone_Q11 (Marluxion) (+1), (Achromatic) , (LittleLee), (Ephemera), (Marluna) (Gorta), (Ash) (+1) (+2) (+3) (+4) (Someone) (+1) (+2) (+3) (MISS!) (+4) (+5)
Zugzwang (Cape90) (Gorta)

ITA Tracker (Compressed Version)

Players D2 Shotlist D3 Shotlist D4 Shotlist D5 Shotlist
Apocryphal (Garfooled) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Hehehaha420blazing) (an_gorta_slanktai) (Achromatic)
ash4fun (tris) (Ranta) (Ari) (Baudib1)
Ashlyn (beancat) (pandora) (beancat) (Baudib1)
BradLand (Italy) (Kelsier) (beancat) (Baudib1)
bystander (Leafia) (beancat) (Meuh) (MISS!)
CarrotyReaper (Leafia) (Brakuren) (gori) (Baudib1)
dyachei (Leafia) (+1), (Italy) (+1) (+2) (Bionic), (Gorta) (MISS!) (+1) (MISS!), (Hehehaha420blazing), (Kelsier) (gori) (+1) (+2) (+3), (Kork) (Achromatic) (+1), (Bystander) (+1) (+2)
ElizaThePsycho (Italy) (+1) (Ash) (Someone) (Bystander)
Ephemera (Ashlyn) (Gorta) (gori) (Bystander)
Hallia (Leafia) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic) (Kork) (Bystander)
Jarek (carbonated) (pandora) (Someone) (Meuh)
Kanave (alexandra) (Bionic) (Refunded), (Gorta) (Frostwolf103) (Baudib1)
Marluna (Magnus) (carbonated) (beancat) (Bystander)
May (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (gori) (Refunded), (ChaosNinjaGaming) (Bystander)
Meuh (Italy) (carbonated) (Dum) (an_gorta_slanktai)
Millium (Artemis) (Ash) (beancat)
neil_the_eel (Italy) (Refunded), (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Gorta) (Frostwolf103) (SirDerpsAlot)
Selkie (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hehehaha420blazing) (ChaosNinjaGaming) (Bystander)
Yawn (Cape90) (Hehehaha420blazing) (gori) (Bystander)
D1 ~ D4 Final Vote Counts
POE of "living players who have not done any ITA damage to a dead Mafia"
  • Ephemera
  • Marluna
  • Millium
  • neil

damn, kick it while it’s down, huh?

(I just copied zone’s list without actually looking, and seeing who hit/was hit N4/D5)

Last person to receive a cookie was achro


Wait when’s the last time a town person got a cookie

Zone’s ash4’s Stuff (Important)

ITA Tracker
Full Version
Players D2 Shotlist D3 Shotlist D4 Shotlist D5 Shotlist
Achromatic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hippopablompoyeetus) (Someone)
alexandra (katze)
an_gorta_slanktai (Italy) (Gorta) (beancat) (Achromatic)
Apocryphal (Garfooled) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Hehehaha420blazing) (an_gorta_slanktai) (Achromatic)
Ari (Italy) (Ranta) (Millium) (MISS!)
Artemis (gori) (Ash)
Ash (benguinedparbecue) (carbonated)
ash4fun (tris) (Ranta) (Ari) (Baudib1)
Ashlyn (beancat) (pandora) (beancat) (Baudib1)
Atlas (Leafia) (Bionic)
Baudib1 (alexandra) (Hehehaha420blazing) (Refunded), (Ash) (Someone) (ash4fun)
beancat (alexandra) (Ash)
benguinedparbeque (Jinrou), (Cape90) (Daeron) (+1) (+2)
Bionic (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (SilverKeith)
BradLand (Italy) (Kelsier) (beancat) (Baudib1)
Brakuren (Garfooled) (pandora)
bystander (Leafia) (beancat) (Meuh) (MISS!)
Cape90 (Bionic)
carbonated (LittleLee) (Gorta) (Someone)
CarrotyReaper (Leafia) (Brakuren) (gori) (Baudib1)
ChaosNinjaGaming (Cape90) (Kelsier) (gori)
crazynuto (Ash)
Creature (Artemis) (Gorta) (MISS!) (Kork)
Dum (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic) (Refunded), (Meuh)
dyachei (Leafia) (+1), (Italy) (+1) (+2) (Bionic), (Gorta) (MISS!) (+1) (MISS!), (Hehehaha420blazing), (Kelsier) (gori) (+1) (+2) (+3), (Kork) (Achromatic) (+1), (Bystander) (+1) (+2)
ElizaThePsycho (Italy) (+1) (Ash) (Someone) (Bystander)
Ephemera (Ashlyn) (Gorta) (gori) (Bystander)
Frostwolf103 (Jarek) (pandora) (Marluna)
Gocj (tris)
gori (Bionic)
Gorta (benguinedparbecue)
Hallia (Leafia) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic) (Kork) (Bystander)
Hazardwaste (alexandra) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (pandora) (Marluna)
Hehehaha420blazing (Zugzwang)
Hippopablompoyeetus (benguinedparbacue)
Italy (Leafia)
jail (Italy)
JakeTheWolfie (Luxy) (+1)
Jane (Garfooled) (Hippopablompoyeetus)
Jarek (carbonated) (pandora) (Someone) (Meuh)
Jinrou (nutella) (Manny)
Kanave (alexandra) (Bionic) (Refunded), (Gorta) (Frostwolf103) (Baudib1)
katze (Cape90)
Kelsier (alexandra) (+1) (+2) (Refunded)
Leafia (Jinrou)
LittleLee (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!)
Lucid_Daydream (benguinedparbecue) (Bionic) (Refunded), (Gorta) (beancat)
Manny (tris) (benguinedparbecue) (MISS!)
Marluna (Magnus) (carbonated) (beancat) (Bystander)
Marluxion (Magnus)
May (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (gori) (Refunded), (ChaosNinjaGaming) (Bystander)
Memekingpizza (Jarek) (pandora) (gori)
Meuh (Italy) (carbonated) (Dum) (an_gorta_slanktai)
Millium (Artemis) (Ash) (beancat)
neil_the_eel (Italy) (Refunded), (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Gorta) (Frostwolf103) (SirDerpsAlot)
nutella (Artemis) (Gorta)
Porscha (Cape90)
Ranta (Artemis) (carbonated)
Sadbi (Jinrou) (Forgotten), (LittleLee)
Selkie (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hehehaha420blazing) (ChaosNinjaGaming) (Bystander)
SilverKeith (benguinedparbecue)
SirDerpsAlot (Kiiruma) (Jarek) (Ashlyn)
Someone (alexandra) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (carbonated) (carbonated)
Stick (Garfooled)
tris (Jinrou)
Wazza (beancat) (Someone) (gori)
WindwardAway (Amelia) (Marluna)
Yawn (Cape90) (Hehehaha420blazing) (gori) (Bystander)
Zone_Q11 (Marluxion) (+1), (Achromatic) , (LittleLee), (Ephemera), (Marluna) (Gorta), (Ash) (+1) (+2) (+3) (+4) (Someone) (+1) (+2) (+3) (MISS!) (+4) (+5)
Zugzwang (Cape90) (Gorta)

ITA Tracker (Compressed Version)

Players D2 Shotlist D3 Shotlist D4 Shotlist D5 Shotlist
Apocryphal (Garfooled) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Hehehaha420blazing) (an_gorta_slanktai) (Achromatic)
ash4fun (tris) (Ranta) (Ari) (Baudib1)
Ashlyn (beancat) (pandora) (beancat) (Baudib1)
BradLand (Italy) (Kelsier) (beancat) (Baudib1)
bystander (Leafia) (beancat) (Meuh) (MISS!)
CarrotyReaper (Leafia) (Brakuren) (gori) (Baudib1)
dyachei (Leafia) (+1), (Italy) (+1) (+2) (Bionic), (Gorta) (MISS!) (+1) (MISS!), (Hehehaha420blazing), (Kelsier) (gori) (+1) (+2) (+3), (Kork) (Achromatic) (+1), (Bystander) (+1) (+2)
ElizaThePsycho (Italy) (+1) (Ash) (Someone) (Bystander)
Ephemera (Ashlyn) (Gorta) (gori) (Bystander)
Hallia (Leafia) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Bionic) (Kork) (Bystander)
Jarek (carbonated) (pandora) (Someone) (Meuh)
Kanave (alexandra) (Bionic) (Refunded), (Gorta) (Frostwolf103) (Baudib1)
Marluna (Magnus) (carbonated) (beancat) (Bystander)
May (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (gori) (Refunded), (ChaosNinjaGaming) (Bystander)
Meuh (Italy) (carbonated) (Dum) (an_gorta_slanktai)
Millium (Artemis) (Ash) (beancat)
neil_the_eel (Italy) (Refunded), (Cape90) (benguinedparbecue) (Refunded), (Gorta) (Frostwolf103) (SirDerpsAlot)
Selkie (JakeTheWolfie) (MISS!) (Hehehaha420blazing) (ChaosNinjaGaming) (Bystander)
Yawn (Cape90) (Hehehaha420blazing) (gori) (Bystander)
D1 ~ D4 Final Vote Counts
POE of "living players who have not done any ITA damage to a dead Mafia"
  • Ephemera
  • Marluna
  • Millium
  • neil (refunded twice)

sorry for double ping, just fixing some stuff

Just realized that despite shooting at scum twice, they were refunded both times

i can only shoot scum when its too late

i misread that. very very badly.

Ah ok yesterday four people got them and creature was town


it was traumatizing.

genuinely the worst two seconds of this game by far

Ashlyn you have a mark right? If we’re exec’ing meuh, we should look at who to mark with bystander

dya, jarek, and meuh currently have marks


how many marks do we have available? do you have 1 or 2

Also we should probably have a contingency for if meuh flips and is clearly not stronger than someone (millium lied)
actually, they’ve claimed strong. If they wanted to Tdome millium they would have, and w!milium would claim anything else

we can decide whether to go after millium normally

I have 1

hoping to get another from drabble but ehhh