FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

jared what

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Direct hit! Flip incoming


Is there any reason you actually have your vote on me? I’ve gone after multiple wolves and I’m massively anti-bus.

oh damn

nevermind that I guess

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Ashlyn was Town

Text-based rolecard

I was sent an image of a creepy ass forest

Im ghanna die tonight



i thought the lost wolf is left so

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I’m leafia

someone (idr who) had a list of unclaimed flavors from flipped wolves, and said leafia was ~guranteed to exist

I’m uncc’d, and my solo neighborhood is Leafia’s Garden

I figured out the marissa flavor by:

  • thinking about whether we might have a lw that didn’t count for our 6-wolf limit
  • remembering a weird “you cannot communicate with X” wolf flipped
  • finding italy, whose role says “marissa, consort of Incineroar” is wolf, and implies theyre lw

I’d still play it differently I wouldn’t go after Achro.

anticlaim flipped and we presumably just have LW(and anticlaim changed factional kill only)

Only passives my ass -.-

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i mean. brakuren was town. i get what youre saying but venti did, in fact, flip town.

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why is he gojo

Or Baudib.

Probably just shoot Hallia or Insomnia after seeing him go after Achro.

okay who shoot next

Again it’s bad to go after me after what’s happened even if LW is available.

So ashlyn actually was rb’d

sounds like it yeah. which means the last wolf is a rber
