FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

Dont shoot me you dolts

forgot the context of everything ever and went: uhm okay


i think insoms weird forest thing is weird

insom claim

you know actually
/shoot an_gorta_slanktai

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The shot connects

tbh I’m down

ok this is scary

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honestly i can see insomnia using it as a “clearing” mechanism
(a la claiming dreamweaved after doing no action in tos2)

I mean it doesn’t really have any effect on my read there, but also didn’t someone’s role hate trees? Lol

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can you translate this in mgg terms

No objections to me shooting Mera?

/ita slanktai @FAMHost

iirc the gorta role?

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shooting no one as mafia and then claiming a save on your partner

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idk anymore im so confused with all the claims on flavor


You can kill me if you want and feel dumb after

For 2 days im not claiming. If you are nice i’ll consider flavor claiming

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