FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

I think the likevig argument still works to show there’s only one wolf left

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mmm but aligned with you implies a player that counts for parity

anyway have I missed any new wagon info apart from that or just…still gorta who’s being voted(considering wagon probably is this) with no new info

but it says that she’s aware? marissa’s goal was probably just ensure they win or something

idk i dont know if im convinced game ends with insom but i literally dk who i think it is otherwise

allied vs aligned
if marissa is playing but not a “player”, they are aligned, but not allied

like a traitor role?

has kanaves role provided anything of actual worth to the game convoluted or otherwise

yeah but allied also means of the same alignment

like regardless of this, marissa is aligned with mafia and would count for their parity?

I suppose but not really if the player who flipped is town Marissa not sure what’s up with that ngl

allied is a player with your alignment

as best I can tell, they might be interacting with the game, but marissa is not a player.

is this game bastard enough to allow that/…


this. allied means you know they must be your alignment (like with me as mason) while aligned is just your win con

please save me from the awful pet owners today


theres only one wincon. the human wincon.

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mmm idk. insom/dya are still kinda the slots i see as least clear for bad raisons but im. weh


this lady argued for like 15 minutes that she should get treatment for her dog but will not allow a rabies vaccine to be given. We’ve explained to her on multiple occasions that a rabies vaccine is required by our hospital policy