FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

should have nuked the game d1


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host should be locking thread so shut up


an_gorta_slanktai was Town

Text-based rolecard


The last living member of the Mafia (dyachei) has conceded…

the Town is victorious!

Congratulations to the village and thank you everybody for playing!

Remaining roles will be posted soon. Dead chat is hosted in the FoL Annual Mash 4 Discord Server and all channels have been made public. Mafia chat is here: https://discord.gg/D6grrv3mZF


oh lmao


Endgame Flavor

Do you hear the village sing?
Singing the songs that we adore?
It is the music of the townies
Who will serve the wolves no more!
When the spirit of the thread
Echoes the spirit of the dead
There is a site about to live
When we go ahead!

Will you come aboard my boat?
Who will be strong and solve with me?
Beyond the wolves who gloat
Is there a site you long to be?

Then join in the game
That will build the world you want to see!

Do you hear the village sing?
Singing the songs that we adore?
It is the music of the townies
Who will serve the wolves no more!
When the spirit of the thread
Echoes the spirit of the dead
There is a site about to live
When we go ahead!

Will you camp the thread all day
So that our faction may advance?
Will you clear the PoE
In death or stand and take your chance?
The blood of the village
Will bolster the strength of the hanse!

author’s note: in this context a “hanse” is an old timey word for a guild

Do you hear the village sing?
Singing the songs that we adore?
It is the music of the townies
Who will serve the wolves no more!
When the spirit of the thread
Echoes the spirit of the dead
There is a site about to live
When we go ahead!


wow dya you’re ruthless


all me >:3

OH wow gg

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“all channels have been made public” my ass

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sorry insom but also L

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insomnia what did you spent your tail charges on
that’s got to be the “win on d9” thing right

@dyachei <3 this is why i have to listen to that little pain in my heart


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gg thank you to everyone for a very fun and cool first game on here :] i will be sticking around for more