FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

every single mafia left alive except for one could potentially be kp


Zone didnt reallt claim Ithink anticlaim was wazza o creature

should we prep a target for king vote?

Or wait for after ita#1?

didnt they hardclaim masons


@Achromatic has received a cookie!


Not his role. Carroty’s.

cookie hype

Go Boomers

doesnt it take two people to be in a mason

That just gave me 20 more hp gg.

(This is a joke)

regardless mildly unimportant


What do cookies even do

i feel like meuh is just… not gonna show up in theyre scum

Carroty is masoniser

o h

im smart

ok home with baby