FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

no body cc tutu

but also let me go check that

Link the post

ehhh tbf sk specifically said he thought the tutuu role person was probs town for actions /shrugze

if anybody cares

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this is such a post of all time

if i was mafia i would choose four super towny people for arctic one to target and then give marks to those people to kil lthem

shot connects

what does this m e a n

Link the post that confirms you

theyre saying that nobody cc’ing tutuu makes them tutuu
and that tutuu flavor is town 100% of the time

that would be such a dumb mafia role u are basically a conditional vig and then the arctic role would be negative util lmao

Yeah that’s not confirmed


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idk tutuu’s reputation on this site but she was often wolfy on other sites (and that’s not just a pun on usernames)

Time to ITA the pot of greed guy
