FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

yes they did

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brad step away from thread maybe for a bit owo?

get something to drink or smth owo

correction: folded doesn’t make roles sealed, it makes them uninteractable - so the player can still use them owo

“Sealed” means uninteractable. Players can still use Sealed roles.

wait really owo


Well, Sealed means uninteractablewhile dead, and dead players can’t use roles anyway

there is so much more to my role.

but I don’t think I really need to claim it. Nothing of it has any influence on the active thread or info.


Yes. Your thing is basically just Sealed, but it also works on living players

Ew brad is beautiful

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Well, claimvig only strongmans, so there’s not really much harm, you’re probably already claimviggable anyway. But if you don’t want to, I can’t make you

what the fuck lmao owo

And there is one thing that if I claim it it might get me killed by someone.

I won’t tell who (starts with ash)

Mera I figured this out within like five minutes of getting the status and then being able to ask a bunch of questions about it, it was really not that complicated


don’t. this shit escalated already. please dont pile on. just ignore all of it.

thanks love you bye.

look i don’t have a role it can interact with okay owo

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look if Ashlyn reads that i made her a joycat earlier just for shits and giggles she might just kill me.

we cannot have that.

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captains log 10: might kill gracelyn for shots and gigs

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oh i targetted uhhhh baudib last night ftr

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Are you fucking katze.