FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

@Jarek We know that Eliza added Sealed to Luxy’s role, the benguinedparbecue town slank/spamvig role, on N2. This usually happens when somebody backs up a role. Eliza claimed to be town backup who gains a weaker version of the role she backs up, and she claimed to have delayvigged Jinrou (Jinrou died before this could resolve)

We also know that a mafia member added Sealed to tutuu’s role, the bystander mafia every-night likevig, on N2. We’ve also seen wolfsided kills on people who get a lot of Super Likes during the day, despite the fact that these people were more likely to be protected (though wolves had strongwills, seems like), making us think the likevig was backed up.

Unless Eliza added Sealed to both the benguinedparbecue vig and the likevig on N2, either by backing them both up or by just adding Sealed as a red herring, she’s town

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needed to switch it up
gameplan wasn’t exactly workin out
so I figured “he’s not clear, is he?”

Basically she’s not mech clear but we know she probably backed up a town role and we know she probably townsided with it


are you killing me… im cute…

its done… already done…

At least in the BG3 game I dumpstered mafia with my KP this time I’m just like “Kill me teehee”


you delayvigged me…?

I’m the king. You have to kill me I’m the king of mech and I tinfoiled boob1 correctly and I’m right and correct all the time, excluding all the times I’m not. Please. Please wolves. Please kill me

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FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 5 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
2 Meuh Apocryphal, CarrotyReaper
2 bystander ash4fun, an_gorta_slanktai
1 an_gorta_slanktai bystander
1 ash4fun Hallia
1 Jarek Ephemera
1 Millium BradLand
1 Yawn Kanave
11 Not Voting Ashlyn, ElizaThePsycho, Jarek, Marluna, May, Meuh, Millium, Selkie, SirDerpsAlot, Yawn, dyachei
1 Unrecognized neil_the_eel (for self vote and ate)
Raw VC for the plugin

Meuh (2): Apocryphal, CarrotyReaper
bystander (2): ash4fun, an_gorta_slanktai
an_gorta_slanktai (1): bystander
ash4fun (1): Hallia
Jarek (1): Ephemera
Millium (1): BradLand
Yawn (1): Kanave
self vote and ate (1): neil_the_eel

Not Voting (11): Ashlyn, ElizaThePsycho, Jarek, Marluna, May, Meuh, Millium, Selkie, SirDerpsAlot, Yawn, dyachei

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

Okay see you in 8 or so hours where I find out I got ITA’d and killed 2 town

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me fr


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oh acc if youre fr i can probs coordinate my NA bc its kinda weird

it was kind of a fuck it we ball moment from me

i was gonna switch it to boob1 but then i missed the deadline

yes im fr

I was lying out of my ass when i said it had to be protected the night of firing btw

Meuh is a decent execution candidate (as, if town, he has a powerful role per Millium, so maybe not best to ITA him before he shows up), but if either ash4fun or bystander is living at the end of the day we can try marking her to kill her instead (because she already has one mark from meeee), making executing them a waste of KP. So

Bystander is heavily wounded and also is a waste of KP to kill by execution

I want to decide who we execute ahead of time so we don’t have a repeat of yesterday

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Ohh boob1 was also Mafia, not suprised


youre flight rising>?

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