FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

or - tbh - tutuu could have just sniped the check owo

not super coordinated this wolfteam owo

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ah okay. not sure how easy it was to get on it.
you would need to be in thread and lock your vote down fairly early I assume.

idk though owo

this is very true. a good snipe would have been the right play.

JakeTheWolfie style

@apocryphal do you still have the one ring owo

does it do anything besides kill you owo

Am i ded

no owo

May, i very softly softed my ability btw

Lol nobody died ita2 :/

people with shots left: @neil_the_eel @bystander @Jarek @Meuh @Millium @SirDerpsAlot owo

we better get some shots in ita3 owo

literally only 2 shots (me and may) owo

VOTE: Meuh

Sounds like they’re hiding

yeah pretty much owo

Hi insomnia I’m being harassed into sleeping soon so I don’t have much time to hear your tinfoil. I’ve been waiting very patiently

I keep reading flipped wolf posts and accidentally believingthem like oh thats a good point. Im . So competent

I just need to go to spec and have people tell me did a goodjob. Or tell me I did a bad job. Either is good so long as they have opinions. I’m not picky

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So real???


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