FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

something something backup owo

uh. i mean meuh s a better bus of a wolf. just maybe it wouldnā€™t have succeeded /shrug.

ill dayvig you in anni, trust

and also: outside of achro who tf do you think was a wolf controlling shots at all owo?

Eh keeping a slot thats like not playing down as many as they are for a backup is like really dumb

No bc Iā€™ll vig you first

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achro didnā€™t rlly control a lot of ita sessions iirc. idr tho bc i know he did yday when i wasnā€™t there LOL. boob controlled a bit more?

Dya I stg if you donā€™t give me a vig role

Wolves couldve put meuh on the shotlist p much whenever they wanted with almost no consequence and yet killed every other wolf first??

no way

if meuh is a wolf, can we get marks on SDA? plz and ty owo

also I have an arrow from drabble

Iā€™ll figure out/ask whete to shoot it when I get on later

Yeah, achro was pretty hands off


I never hard defend teamates as a wolf tbh I just have a habit of hard defending town reads

lmao, even

i will not say what your role is in anni

also neil the joke was ā€œif you were more accurate I would be voting youā€


Achro knew they were dying today, they did that to make us think they had them on their to try to get cred for another pelt lol

neil i endorse the shot on SDA owo

cool owo? cool owo.

last slot i was like this for was frost owo. letā€™s see if iā€™m 0 for 2 owo


LOL. ok fair. i donā€™t bus thoā€¦ā€¦ bussing killed my grandmaā€¦.