FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

it just doesn’t feel right to me

no this doesn’t have logic involved

nobody would believe in a wolf babysitter lol

Just jarek things

that is also true although i’d personally be against it owo

use your action as you see fit owo

Why would I make it obvious what I’m doing tonight

Jarek kill Ashlyn with me

but also which wolf was this, someone? could read through their iso maybe owo

whomst wants to be a socialist today

oh i just remembered baudib wanted me to make them one

i cannot be wolf backup gg

fwiw I also cant be wolf backup

tutu role is def town think

im confirmed tutu cuz no one is ccing it

Ooh, joy! I get to ramble about one of my special interests, and none of you are legally allowed to stop me! Delightful~

… Ignore the fact that I’m posting this all as one post, so, it’s not like any of you could stop me anyway.

Anyway, black holes are incredibly interesting based on the way in which they “suck” in matter. There is, in fact, no suction going on! Instead, they just have gravity that is so intense that other things nearby are drawn in, which is especially poignant when there is not a relevant force that is driving those things forward strongly enough to keep them out of the black hole’s gravity. (Fun fact, if a black hole of the same mass replaced our Sun, the Earth would continue to orbit around it normally as it would have the same gravitational power! Never mind the fact that we would all be dead, but… whatever! We wouldn’t be “sucked in” with no chance of escaping.)

Basically, to get to a point where you could no longer escape from a black hole, you’d have to pass the Schwarzschild radius (this is technically an oversimplification. Don’t worry about it, though.) That being said, you’d have to be moving at the speed of light to escape from the very outside of the Schwarzschild radius (the radius is defined at the border where the speed required becomes the speed of light because nothing can move faster than light in a vacuum, as light has no mass). This means, the amount of speed required continuously grows as you approach the Schwarzschild radius, starting at 0 m/s at the very other side of the event horizon (the very edge of the black hole’s influence) and going up from there as you get closer.

So, why did I mention all of this, you might ask? For fun. And because I like talking about black holes. But mostly for fun.

Black holes manipulate space and time around them very heavily. (It would be very interesting to see what happens if you put two black holes of equal mass within the event horizons of each other. The end result would probably just be the two black holes combining (and you dying, if you weren’t dead already), but, in the meantime, you could see multi-second time travel occurring at the edges of their influence. Very cool, if you ask me! … if only it was harnessable. Anyway. Why did I mention this? For fun. And because I like talking about black holes. But mostly for fun.

But, yeah, distortion of space and time! Black holes are so dense that time and space both dilate as objects start to go closer to their center! This is why objects appear to freeze around black holes (including light!) The space becomes pretty much overlaid on top of itself, so there’s more space per space (yes, there’s a lot of space, out in space!) and time passes so slow that if you fell into a black hole, you’d probably get to watch the universe die alongside you :)))))

But, things pretty much can’t make it to the center of a black hole. Think of it like this: before you can travel a meter, you have to travel half a meter. Before you can travel half a meter, you must travel half of a half of a meter. Before you can travel half of a half of a meter, you must travel half of a half of a half of a meter, so on and so forth. This is a gross oversimplification, but I am honestly slightly out of my depth when talking about this, and we’re on FoL so there’s at least an 85% chance of an actually-qualified astrophysicist (or astrophysicist student) who knows what they’re talking about better than I do and might come in post-game and flame me (at which point I will cry, but that won’t stop them, probably).

So, I should finally get to why I mentioned all of this, right?

For fun. And because I like talking about black holes.

But mostly for fun.

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i would like it owo

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erm farming s uper likes isn’t allowed I’m going to have to ask you to leave

oh, no, it’s super relevant to solving my slot you should probably read it

i’m happy for you owo

or sorry that happened owo

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while i actually did just post a 700 word ramble about black holes, this is actually pretty relevant and ill be annoyed if nobody understands why

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