FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

I mean I don’t know if I did it because other people said they used the same item so I might not have but I tried to at least


i don’t care owo

an_gorta_slanktai is a doublevoter and has been since D2

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I have another one from last night’s event, we can coordinate that one

oh right i got an arrow from the art sub which is probs where they came from yday

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what how, i popped into to prevent nonsense and to make sure the top wagon went through

anyway I’ll be honest zone’s method of determining who is mafia is…wacky to say the least but it also has their gut reads mixed in there

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my sibling in christ you popped in and said nothing about your vote and voted lucid

I voted with literally like 10s left the vote was v much already lcoked in

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Wait, when did we learn this?

was this claimed owo?


I learned it by looking at the wagons

were you at least on mobile??

by the time my message sent the thread was closed :sob:

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also the two people i immediately wanna look at are ash4fun and SDA owo

maybe look at the reasons and say it not in the last 10 seconds?

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sigh whatever

Using my powers of observation and eyes I was able to see that every wagon an_gorta_slanktai has been on since D2 has had an additional vote