FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

Why am I in charge

what if I’m the 3p

i have apo the ring d1

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I mean I know why I just

cuz you’re keeping track. Anyone that I think is town is able to contribute

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is this a claim? 0.0

… bad post.

We managed to keep a day phase in one thread. Proud of us. Nya

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is this a rib? 0.0

Wow you guys are literally letting the 2023 best scum player be in charge

I did say I know all the wolves and want to side with town but can’t push wolves or else I’ll instantly die and lose

would you rather i be in charge

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So who knows if I’m telling the truth

exactly. now suck it up, townleader.

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Hey guuys I hear May is really good at being scum so you shouldnt let him make decisions or have responsibilities you should just tell him exactly what to do and then he does it and then you say he did a good job

i cant make this joke.

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Its mechc optimal

I don’t know what youre talking ahout I’m proposing a mech optimal strategy to optimise mech.

I can always hero shoot you if I’m alive tomorrow. Nya

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post a joycat

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