FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

Sadly having fun in mafia game is rare :pensive: and also anyway if ur fine with being lynched then I see no reason why we shouldnā€™t

When I claim 3P and shitpost itā€™s just being quirky when meuh does it itā€™s open wolfing



go back to being afk ples

Iā€™m not claiming 3P hold on :sob:

wasnā€™t ur claim only d1-d2 tho

have you just been lurking this whole time :skull:

not really, but i lurk often

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it is

checks pronouns


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tbh marluna could actually be a hit based on activity/wim but iirc may wanted to see if that could be confirmed? idk

how about bystander stays with me on marl, but you can choose dya or slanktai?

Maybe the true neutral Iā€™m hunting is misogyny

daddys favorite moleperson!

misogyny is my towntell tho

Pretty sure Misogyny killed Neilā€™s grandma but I might be wrong.

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Towntells killed neilā€™s grandma

no a woman killed my grandma. close enough

a woman with ogi. sorry. they all blend together after a while.

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you guys are not hip with my grandmaā€™s lore

Iā€™m gonna wear an outfit that looks like the money store woman today


I read the first 3 words and was really hoping the neils grandma trend was continuing.

feel kind of let down now. not gonna lie!

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