FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)


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you wanna join the top guild itt rn?

unfort i am the leader of the AGENDA

well that’s unlucko


the joyous katzen no upsetti guild

@Ephemera are you a member of a guild?

wow ty dya very thoughtful of you

eph boomer iirc

mu turning on each other

just put me on my site where i can iso

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that’s the lame guild

eph should join the TAP DAWGS

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you should try ISOing on the shard

(you cant)

i miss MU


no that’s ok

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anyways insom how did u even become the joycat leader when its by length in guild?

cuz im the lost wolf and have perks


you should try ISOing on flight rising (it sucks)

oh ok VOTE: slakntai

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Are we done with events btw?