FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

all of the info is out there.

I talked about part of it with zone yday before eod.

other parts are obvious if you paid attention.

Nothing is hardclaimed.


on FoL, with this isoing and these phases that i can’t be here for like 50% of

high demand

Well I mean I won’t deny that

I’m hella dumb help

Consider yourself clear and let me know if there’s anyone I shouldn’t kill

shit like this is why i quit fm smh :woman_facepalming:

Now now Ashlyn.

Apo is a true Joycat.

Watch and learn.

im retired owo

Guys theres 25 people alive and we are losing like a lot of that before eod the whimsical self vote isnt a big deal

My take, shoot Achro and don’t look back


Go ahead. I wont die lol

where am i… wtf…

23 i thought?

why? if you’re in the lead do you gain bonus hp or wat

I was snowballing

I think they townread you so they didn’t include you


oh thats funny ok.

You will note i kept asking who had advantage
