FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

im auto shooting you if meuh is v now

this is why neil is dying n5

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also (sharing more zone reads) jarek failed the scum test badly + like jarek is vengeful we have more numbers than mafia rn so their vengeful status doesn’t really matter

The jail targets someone who had gotten two or more superlikes from people other than the user of the jail

ok i’m shooting insom i don’t even need meuh to flip v

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Just read Ranta’s flip smh

no i meant does the jail stop other actions (non-killing) owo

@Kanave Okay so the “harmful ability” and “can kill a villager” are claimed so the “flavour who has flipped mafia” is probaby the lie?

cuz hallia just claimed to get multiple super likes overnight owo

so trying to see if that works mechanically owo

if you claim 1 and carroty claims 3 I just pick statement 2 right?

I think so?

It’s not my jail, lmao

It was Ranta’s

hallia has a day action innit anyways /shrug

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ya probably

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isnt this one confirmed to be a lie, then?

has creature’s flavor been a player in this game owo

creature died last night u can clarify that one anyways LOL

no, rajidae/appelsiini was not in this game

I think so. doublecheck with carrot, but I 100% claim 1.

picking statement 2

As I said before this game is now on my back burner, I’ll be here to shoot, and that’s probably about it, I haven’t 0 interest in finding w/e remaining wolves exist, u have my nights actions if I should die, so uhhm good luck

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