FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

I’m prolly doing the shot instead of asking for approval.

Fair ig



it is funny because if achro would want one thing then it is his partner to bus for endgame cred.

but it is never important today and only if we don’t find the last wolf until final 5 or something.

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i have shots too was gonna see if it was a target i would shoot at

You know


You will probably accept it though. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :curtain:

Thanks for choosing this game to not kill me u butt head

not me about to say “ok, oh well” off of achro’s rule

Dayvig found!

Achro shot list




Nothing to do with Achro I was shooting here regardless of what he flipped.

Yeah no Achro knew he wasn’t endgaming and I would treat at least all of today as antispew

Self voting is always outting for achro, which means his team is in a semi decent spot

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@Ash You were right and I was wrong BTW love yo u

Personally we’ll find a lot of town here because they were in a strong position when posting iirc so them dying today would come across as unexpected to them but they may include a mafia lower

Gonna say this shot list is probably bad.

@FAMHost /ita Bystander


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