FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

The shot connects.

Achro was a hero shot alreadyā€¦and low posters are flipping town, so time to get to big head hunting. Nya

VOTE: Baudib1


I was gonna say how tf he bussed with such a shit role then i realized heā€™s p much the angel

Still odd

I guess though yours is a much moreā€¦spontaneous hero shot

Damn, didnā€™t kill

man i telegraphed who i was shooting all day. it should not have been considered a hero shot

all of the sudden so many things make sense

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Donā€™t kill Bys please

wasnt baud on achroā€™s shot list


did anyone color the day 1 voters

im confused why baudib1 is w now but I assume if itā€™s explaind tomorow Iā€™ll understand

I mean by name alone itā€™s hero shot but yeah I was calling for it as well and it wouldā€™ve been bad if he flipped town.

Still was gonna do it if I wasnā€™t late.

iā€™m gonna scream

I saw it in a vision in my dreams

(NOTE: This isnā€™t true. My dreams are actually >rand)

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so Iā€™m gonna assume you did thatā€¦

I also did it today, a version of the D1 vote sfrom a bit before EoD

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idt that baud busses this much as a wolf. heā€™s kind of a powerwolfy player imo

she did like 3 hours of work on them.

and loves when people forget about it

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