Fantasy of the Damned - Ended

honestly I starting to dislike games where you betray people because it just doesn’t seem that fun

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im honestly considering scrapping the sabo/whatever magnus called it

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and just make more evil players

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just make a rpg called tower of god where the elevator to the next level requires a death
they have to find the elevator, and hope that someone dies before then, and if they don’t they have to choose someone to die


We don’t need good or evil people

the majority of people will be neutral


After everyone but one person dies, the rest battle out of hell and then they fight to determine who wins

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evil players will have less incentive to immediately out themselves however

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that’s what they all say

alternatively we just tell them to not out

does getting mobbed to death sound fun?

play your part or pay the consequences
neuts can still team with them, they might want to not out that fact


i got a 10 page document full of stupid ideas
and im prepared to use all of them

it’s just toaster supreme cat leader

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for context to the joy crab incident

take a juggernaut character that has to kill everyone and can get stronger by killing people

then openclaim it in chapter 1

wasn’t that marshal in dc or something

gorta in vldr2
marshal in dc was just very upfront about killing people and nobody really questioned it