Fantasy of the Damned - Ended

the entire first area

its a tutorial room so it isnt too big
just a few rooms

and character interactions
i still left some parts out to streamline it but i have a good idea in my head

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i mean
im trying to process when people are around
im online at least 8 hours a day but i cant be the one to constantly nudge people ā€œmake a time, is everyone here?ā€


its been slow for around 4 weeks
the reason ranta/app/taka died was from the theater room taking nearly 3 weeks


there was still stuff to do that was unexplored in area 2 that literally justā€¦ nobody put the effort in to get to

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ranta app and taka all were very inconsistent area 1 as well

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Time zones go brrrr

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the theater room shouldnā€™t have taken 3 weeks either way
and processing here has been slow aswell

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even if it requires group timezones
people still have been saying its slow

oh most definitely not and i wont be doing something like that again
but im trying to balance between not having 1 person do everything and making sure everyone gets a reasonable chance to do something


my problem is weā€™ve had 2 good processing periods since mid june

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maybe longer

ive been asking your group to make a time so i dont have to ask every hour if people are here
i can do that if youd prefer

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and we did make a time

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it was ā€œtomorrow maybeā€ and nobody showed up

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I feel like Iā€™m part of the problem tbh
Iā€™m rarely active when Aelin is so I basically do nothing unless Iā€™ve queued my actions

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i was there
we donā€™t know if youā€™re there or not

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im pretty much always here