Fantasy of the Damned - Ended

i do maybe one thing a day
like today i saw my mom for three hours
i was free before that
im free now

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i will literally be free for at least the next seven hours

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as a host youā€™re supposed to annouce processing
we cant just guess when youā€™re here


all hours are processing hours
but ok


several other groups have been saying the same thing
it isnt just me

I go sleepze for the next 7 hours :wowee:

Iā€™m just in a cursed timezone tho


If groups are here, I can process actions for a very long amount of hours.


But Iā€™m gonna solve the problem by just queuing actions and being extra aggressive with pings if the action gets missed I guess
Cause I havenā€™t done that

Still hereā€¦

turns out being god is a really lonely job

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iā€™m here

four-five idiots with different timezones enter a bar

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we can never gather all together to figure out how to leave the bar

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the rooms should probably just be shortened so this hell is aswell
but eh

or like
reintroduce puppeting
make it so only two-three people are needed per room
or do anything to help with timezones

but two people have sent in an action or a ā€œhiā€ since i made the announcement
ill shorten the room for those who havent gotten past the midpoint yet though

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however its july 4th so some people might be celebrating
so it makes sense
i just dont care about my country


not to get political on main but thereā€™s nothing to celebrate about today