[FEEDBACK] More transparent moderation

True squared


I think it’s fine to say “report received” versus “this is not against the rules sorry”. I consider that information about the report itself. I don’t think people should be able to learn specifically about the presence or absence of end moderation actions taken against the other user. Most of the points you make are in favour of the former (which I think is fine), not the latter (which I do not).

I don’t think people deserve to know whether action was taken or not. I think that should be completely eliminated from any kind of response message. They don’t deserve to know that, they don’t need to know that, it doesn’t benefit them in any way to know that. It provides no additional closure besides getting to know somebody else was punished.

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And if the response is “no we didn’t take action” the person gets no closure and they cause a fucking situation. Don’t care

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Statement received

I think people care about moderation and community management and this is normal and fine

i know i just cant read it

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If someone throws a temper tantrum over having “ no action taken” that says a lot more about them then the system

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This was hostile sorry. But like. If somebody is going to escalate the situation if they feel nothing was done, then they are going to escalate the situation for sure if they know nothing was odne. IMO it solves no problems

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And you could say the same if somebody throws a temper tantrum over “report received” rather than “action was taken”

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This is your problem


okay but if you’re telling someone “this isn’t against the rules” the implication is that moderation action wasn’t taken, and if you say that every time moderation action isn’t taken then it can be inferred that whenever this isn’t said, moderation action was in fact taken so this feels pedantic

i am aware


Different perimeters.

I’m mocking the “Report received” idea because I don’t doubt that the moderators look at each report, that isn’t the issue here.

The issue is trust in moderation, establishing a guideline surrounding rules, and resolving conflicts.

None of the aforementioned are done via the “Report Received” idea.

Sorry I’m very passionate about this I just, like, have personally myself experienced people trying to weaponise mods against me to get me removed from communities I’m in. And they abused moderator transparency to do this. I think transparency is a tradeoff and it’s fine if somebody decides to go for another side of the tradeoff but I don’t like people denying that there is any tradeoff at all


so why does it matter if they’retold then

And I have been a victim to a moderator harassing me for months and due to them being friends with staff even though they told me to “kill myself” and ostracized anyone that was friends with me, they received no punishment because they were friends with the admins.

Transparent moderation is the cornerstone to preventing abuse of power

this is exactly my point

if they’re gonna do that anyway then why not tell them

because telling them also provides all of the other benefits i’ve listed for the people who aren’t going to be problematic about it

I don’t think this discussion is that productive anymore I think I’ve brought up what I want to. People tend to think transparency is a Universal Good because transparency is a Good Word but it can open up a lot of avenues for abuse and I want people to be aware of those avenues. I have said my piece

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bitch we did that

