[FEEDBACK] More transparent moderation

i mean yeah but if the moderation doesn’t do anything
it’ll become pretty obvious within time

hell even a private warning can be misinterpreted that way and is often

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personally i think its Proooobably better to have a “processed” message and not distinguish between “nothing happened” and “a private warning happened”
just in terms of people’s attitudes towards it
but idk

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No. I think having a distinction between messages helps a lot because it shows that action is being taken, whether in regards to your report or to dismiss your report. A simple acknowledgement doesn’t do anything

Agreed, the reason warnings are private in the first place is to avoid shaming people, this would just make it worse. Personally I think we need less transparent moderation by also hiding temp bans since all it does imo is shame people permanently.

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temp bans are literally outed by discourse we can’t get around that

and its not a signup ban if the hosts don’t know and let them in

Even if they aren’t

“Hmmm, why has this person suddenly stopped posting at all after drama involving them”

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also yeah that too


we are talking about moderators sending the reporter a message updating on the report

He’s referring to the public moderation log thread (which is arguably a wall of shame lets be real)


i know lol

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imo appeals should be public but that’s not something that matters too much.

What is more important is receiving feedback on reports via private messages. Because right now that isn’t the case

This yea


Feels really ew to like publicly shame ppl like that, only builds resentment

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idk i dont think there’s much of a way around doing it for bans, which is the only thing they do it for anyways

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Just don’t get banned

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i dont get the tech behind it how does it work

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the moderation log?

if u click on the full version of someone’s profile you can see their ban status
and signup bans fundamentally need to be public

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