[FEEDBACK] More transparent moderation

No like if the log didnt show the temp bans how would ppl know

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Temp bans still show on your profile

oh fair

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also people suspiciously stopping talking immediately after drama as mentioned above

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Even after its gone?

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Like if you had clicked on brakuren’s profile before now you’d see “this user is banned until…”


Just a list of ppl who are currently banned from games should be fine then, like I dont see why brak should still be on the moderation log since the time is done


I think it’s better for transparency’s sake but eh

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yeah you could always just
ask the community

The syndicate doesnt have a moderation log and i think it was fine

I think the argument isnt to “hide” that a person was banned but to not have like a black mark on their resume for people to read in thread months later and be like “haha look at what this idiot did 3 months ago” and stuff while eating popcorn. I think that’s the average user experience (and enjoyment) of reading such a thread


Exactly yea

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Like if a person has done the time, no need to permanently shame them

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I have no problem with it.

I feel like everyone in this thread is talking about different stuff


this requires people remember lol

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I dont really see why being given feedback on if action has been taken is really all that important? If you see something you think is against the rules and report it then its out of your hands at that point regardless and I don’t see the reason to need to know if action was taken, even if you happen to get a dopamine hit from it. On top of the fact that theirs a thread for the majority of severe actions taken. I could see the argument for giving a response that the mod team is looking into it but I don’t think you’re specifically entitled to know if action was taken on your report or not


Games have began notifying players’ who report if their report was successful to encourage more reports.
I don’t think encouraging more reports is necessary in such a small community.
At the very most, a message relaying the fact that moderators have considered the report should be relayed, regardless of outcome. No other information should be given.


We don’t provide feedback regarding whether or not we took action on flags because it can cause game integrity problems or lead to shaming or other drama. We’ve been pretty inconsistent with it lately, but when we remember to, we try to tell people “thanks, we’ll look into it” to acknowledge that their report was seen, but to leave it ambiguous if we took action or not.

We’ll try to be more consistent in the future and acknowledge every flag so people can have more confidence that we do actually see them and take them into consideration, but we do not plan on informing reporters if that user was indeed warned.

Regarding the public modlogs: We really don’t intend for the thread to be a wall of shame, and if anyone is shaming others for being banned please do let us know - that isn’t okay. Bans are in the public modlog for full transparency and to control the spread of information. Rather than somebody getting banned and others proposing theories or slander against them, the information is readily available as to why they aren’t allowed on our site - it also keeps us in check, as we give our reasoning for all suspensions and can’t ban people willy-nilly (not that we would anyways).