[FEEDBACK] More transparent moderation

(and I do think there’s some ‘legitimate’ angleshooting that would be possible, like if you report someone and two minutes later we tell you action was taken it pretty much confirms that someone else reported them before you)

if it’s not correct then it wouldn’t matter, as long as you don’t speak about it in the thread

ok maybe this is true but i feel like that’s pretty easily avoided

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It’s not like people say in thread when they are reporting someone

Oh wait

I think that incorrect angleshooting is still bad for game integrity, it’s just that which team it helps is random

Saying in-thread that you reported someone in-game is against the angleshooting rules, if you see it happen you can report it

I do but I have no idea if y’all do anything about it

Which is why there needs to be more transparent moderation ;)

i don’t really think this is a convincing argument

there is stuff that you can angleshoot all the time that isn’t necessarily correct, nothing is done about that as long as it’s not brought up in the thread, so why couldn’t the same apply here?

we try to avoid that sort of thing when possible! like, it’s not possible to 100% avoid it, but we’re not going to add extra bonus probably-wrong angleshooting without a compelling reason

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I think fundamentally a lot of moderation policies (do you tell people whether action was taken? do you have a modlog? does your modlog include warnings or just bans? does your appeal process include a stage where people literally go on trial, with a “lawyer,” before a judge panel of non-moderators elected by forum users? etc.) are basically judgment calls and don’t necessarily* have a single right answer, but instead entail some sort of tradeoff

it’s fine that MU has taken the side of the tradeoff where you tell people whether action was taken, and I do think there are some arguments for that policy – but I don’t think the fact that they have that policy is proof that the tradeoffs don’t exist, it just means that they made a different tradeoff than we do

* I do think the “appeal process includes a stage where people literally go on trial, with a ‘laywer,’ before a judge panel of non-moderators elected by forum users” thing kind of just sucks.


Wait was this just a fictional example or is this an actual thing you’ve seen? That’s glorious

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It’s fairly common

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Sufficient Velocity actually does this (for some appeals)


I love the internet

It’s good because it avoids favoritism, but I wouldn’t say it’s always necessary, just for disputes surrounding moderators treatment of users

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The trade off that you are saying is nonexistent.

It wouldn’t really affect game integrity, and while there would need to be some precautions in place, is very cost effective.

Obviously, you have a bias in this scenario because you know if moderation action is taking place, and what decision was made.

Being on the end of lack of communication from mod team is not pleasant

what disadvantages are there of telling people whether action was taken (after the game, if i were to accept the ogi argument for not doing so during games)

these are the reasons i have seen so far and the first doesn’t apply if it were after games and i don’t understand how the second one is relevant when the public mod log exists


this do be a fair point tho

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Honestly I see the main problem is one that tutuu brought up earlier regarding the whole thing where if no action is taken, the person who did the reporting will be more upset at the action than they were before. And this isn’t just a theory, I believe I remember one time when I got annoyed at the moderator team due to a lack of action taken against another user of the site and it felt like I was the one being punished for doing the reporting, that sort of thing will almost definitely happen and isn’t just a theory regarding if this were to happen. The implications feel more like they’re on the times when the moderators don’t take action instead of the times that they do take action.

While yeah, honestly it would encourage reporting people more often because we know how much FoL players love praise, most of the time, reports don’t go much further than a slap on the wrist, and in the extreme cases, you know that players are punished anyway and that your report was listened to in that regard. I don’t really think we need to know that a player has been given a little slap on the wrist for their behaviour because at the end of the day, you know a player was toxic or broke the rules or anything in the first place if you’re reporting them, so at the end of the day that’s what matters.