Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

neon is d3 canidate, end game canidate

Your actually so wrong it hurts me. This isn’t wolf play. Not even fucking close. But go off.

can you actually give an explanation though?

i bought a notebook, i shall be using it


like why do y’all think ATE is convincing?
it’s not

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we all tried
you ignored us
stop pointing fingers at everyone else

i said it was bad
may said it was bad

Hello. Good morning. The flashwagon on DirectorHail was complete garbage - trash garbage from the garbage, even - and I’m glad we’re all seeing that now , but does anyone else here want to explain why on earth they either went for it or chose to indirectly support it by staying unvoted or on a vanity wagon?


Lol. Nope.

But vote me. Actually have the freaking guts to place a vote please dear lord.

Wow. This!!! Couldn’t agree more. You’re really saying what everyone else is thinking

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and now she’s yelling at people to vote her, which is anti-town inheritly

shut up end game canidate

I swear I saw someone say this before

Didn’t really do that…or anything at EoD did you.

What’s the point of looking at the case if you weren’t going to tell me that it was right or wrong?

That’s kinda the point but go off.

btw i say canidate for a reason
depending on the circumstances i will murder any of you

i inheritly dislike voting for someone im not certain i want to kill, you may check my games for proof

VOTE: Neon

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i think this is absolutely atrocious and scummy

Have you ever seen a case before?