Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

I definitely should’ve phrased this more strongly, but I was nervous about getting too deep into the beautiful tunnel I’ve built for myself around Zorvo. I tried, though! A little!

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so uh
VOTE: Neon

wanna kill lemon

I have
your point?


i thought they were town after i talked to them d1 and neon’s just throwing them on the People to Mislynch List

read eod

i said it was dumb
may made a paragraph about it
you were the main person pushing it, so the blame goes on you

No they all want to vote me for starting it lol

is there a way to block gifs i swear to christ

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I don’t think I’ve ever shut up in my life, sorry (the first 24 hours of D1 excluded)

neon got funny jaiden’d

Do it.


Stop complaining and place a vote. Put your money where your mouth is

VOTE: Atlas

glad to see you’re paying attention

i want neon to live here

VOTE: O.kazo

Actually I’m not backreading right now I’m going to go make boba sorry everyone. I will go figure out who the mafia are when I’m done making boba

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neon is a waste of an earlygame exec

i want town to win
she’s scumsiding
which is usually the behaviour of the bad people

The vote is a placeholder from my vague memories of EoD, by the way. I just want to have a vote on the table to start the day phase off. Love votes. Let’s go votes baby love the votes

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keeping people around who just cause chaos in thread and kill villagers leads to town losing
its happened in basically every single scum win game these past 4 months