Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...


Did you…I dunno… vote elsewhere and make a case there?

May actually did so I will give them a whole bonus cookie

Also… in what world… and I can not stress this enough


does scum start a random wagon on someone at EoD with 10 minutes left instead of voting for any of the other 3 candidates on the board when at least 1 of those logically had to be a town wagon no?

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scum that is getting a mislynch on a town with no info given to the rest of us
thats literally textbook scum behaviour

Neon got tired of saying

Did you stop it to half the thread

I read in order that definitely came after the post I quoted buttttttt

Go off

i think neon is going goofy mode and we can get more out of a different exec

then… read after that
and you kept your vote so i assume you wish to kill me over your mistake

I mean, maybe you weren’t expecting others to follow you in voting

Neon is a waste of a town vote

who would you suggest?
and why? (pls answer why)

i got a headache
i could either go back and forth with The Bad Guys or i could rest and get called scummy for not bickering in thread for half the day

i will challenge your concept of mafia theory by the end of this ted talk

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Keeping people around who do nothing and blame others for trying to actually solve causes strong voices to die and in turn causes town to lose butttttt go off scum.

scum does scummy things
town does towny things
scum can pretend to do towny things
town doing scummy things is bad and willaging

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take a break if you’re getting a headache

this post reads to the equivalent of “im right you’re wrong for thinking im wrong”

you’re quite literally trying to counter my points with anime gifs
and you expect people to take you seriously

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No I was lol.

And I did it for a reason. But hey we gained no info or whatever.

im not wasting my time and my head for this
neon’s scum
you lot have fun