Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...


You’re literally hindering our ability to solve your slot regardless of your role and it’s hard to say how much experience I have since I haven’t really kept track. Maybe 3-5 years or so? Closer to 3 I think. Why does it even matter?

I guess I’m the only one really able to read you sll that well.

Same thing I currently think.

Sounds about right.

Last I checked there’s more than one person in the game.

I fully support an O.Kazo execution.

11v4 now.

Doc is another one.

Not what PoE means.

Good night and we won’t.

This legitimitely made me laugh IRL. Laughs

See that is my problem, that is not a reaction i expect from town.

If i feel you are pocketing me, i vote you, prod you and if im not convinced i tunnel you. You were seeking for approval to see if someone else jumps in to either sheep them or to attack the jumper to make me look associated with you. Pretty much what happened to Jaiden.

regardless of your alignment

Why do you need mechanical information to solve?
This is a standard light PR and our cop died at night. By baiting claims out scum can determine who the other PRs are to hunt them down.

Your experience matter because you should know this. Your experience matter hecause you should be able to solve without claims, let our PRs work unbothered.

Not sure tbh.

i return from the grave
jarek seems to be getting overly aggressive over just getting scumread, which i think means they believe its without basis
memes is certainly being confusing, for now i at least believe its towny
still like lemon
zorvo before he started voting himself for people scumreading him was decent, but now hes just eh and refusing to give reads

but it was so fake it never crossed my mind that you were genuinely trying to pocket me
my response was just like “what is Memes doing trying to look like they’re pocketing me?”

You’re literally hindering a PR claim from being able to work if they’re town and not everyone has the same playstyle.

Back at you. I prefer to leave it ambiguous on whether i am a PR or not because mechanicals alone dont win the game, behavior analysis in the thread is what we got now that our investigative is dead.

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i believe we got better things to do then solve via whos claiming pr and who isn’t
it just gives scum more information and lets them get away
solve people based on your social read of them


Even if you’re somehow town,I hihhly doubt the evils would ever kill you so if you’re a villager, work withbthe village instead of against it like you have been doing.


Scum are the ones that should feel worried about the remaining town PRs, hindering their efforts.

Im working for my village the best way i can and i dont believe outing our PRs is the way to do it.

Dude and you were screaming at me earlier for not making one exactly when you asked.

That’s fair.
That’s usually where I can do reads the best as well.

Although I have a Laptop not a Desktop, I usually go on here on my phone.

Don’t give me that when you won’t answer Magnus’s question which is important to help solve your slot. I’m finished with this line of reasoning though. I’m moving on to looking elsewhere for scum.

Yeah that was my concern with that post too lol.

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was magnus’ question “what colour is your rolecard”
