Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

i apologize for lashing out
but this is my thoughts on the matter
that was my mistake

no matter my thoughts on you its still rude
and it feels like im trying to argue against a brick wall of anime gifs and someone who wins an argument by exhausting the other person and pocketing those who agree with you

I fine you enjoyable! :ok_hand:


either way
it doesn’t change my read on you, even if i just want to get this over with

Oh man it’s like Atlas usually is always like this but he usually never produces this much content, I rarely see him post a paragraph, usually he is just making 1 or 2 liners and critiquing others or calling them bad or something.
He’s done it to me serval times.


Well he doesn’t call everyone bad per say but he acts a certain way that he’s basically implying “no” to the player.

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I still like and respect Atlas but sometimes he can be a meanie/downer or at least IMO.
I consider it just his personality and accept it.

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I’m not fantastic either.
Some times I’ll over do things or I’ll seem very egotistical at times but I always try to play optimally and accurately.
And yes sometimes I get irritated and start going Anti-Town, I try and avoid that.


Again we all are different, we all have our own ways of playing mafia.

We all need to accept that and try and make this game enjoyable for all of us.


why neon is bad evil scum evil:
I actually thought, past the starting argument, she was decently towny d1. however, i think her approach to d2 is incredibly pointless and points to just misleading people, only siding with people who explicitly agree with her, etc.
during the first half of d2, she spent a large, large majority of the time in thread misleading town after a bad play she caused, which leads to people wasting a large amount of their time, and exhausting me to the point i just didn’t want to be there anymore
after this had been resolved, i set up a few of my points about her behaviour afterwords that i wanted to talk to her about and for her to resolve, and she never spoke about them once
her play of sk is incredibly pockety, and feels more like a scum telling someone “we’re in this together” rather than solving someone based on their gameplay. she dropped the townread on sk for around an hour, danced around the idea a bit, and immediately picked it back up and apologied for doubting them. her arguments against jarek feel misleading and not to have much sense behind them, which is a conclusion i reached after talking to both of them. i townread jarek because of his actions, and i think he’s being pushed by nonsensical arguments he can’t really counter in any way
i feel like she’s pocketing sk, or making it look like she’s pocketing sk
i don’t think her arguments make much sense, and it genuinely feels like im trying to talk to someone who doesn’t listen or reconsider unless its something someone who vaguely agrees with her says
later on, during the second bickering session, you just provided me with more nonsensical, repeated arguments to the points i was trying to make, and it even felt like after you were trying to have a go at pocketing me when you said that jarek was shading me
overall, these are my reads, not really ordered because I don’t feel like it at the moment

Magnus (want to see more content from them)
Memes - they have been making some decent posts and feel purely independent in their thought process, while still being at the bare minimum somewhat considerate of others reads
May (Their case on me feels like eh. I want to talk to them about it more later, whenever they get back)
Zorvo - upon careful consideration
hes just being seth
O.Kazo - it feels like they aren’t doing too much, and are taking a much more passive approach then they really should
Neon - read the damn essay


i feel like i have much more to say about neon
but i don’t have the time or the patience to
i’d go into specifics but i think my window would no longer be intact if i had to look at that much anime gifs in someones iso in the place of counterarguments

you know
mafia really does bring out the worst in people

so yeah
if people wanted a reason
there it is

I actually feel like this community’s made me a smarter and better person over the last (five?) years. It’s taken this long for that to manifest in Mafia even a little bit, but in general I think that’s true.

if every single one of my games has to end with me bickering with one of you constantly every single time
i think its done the exact opposite

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Its ongoing. I’m dead though.

Guilty! :raised_back_of_hand:

this, truly
is a forum mafia moment

I’ll happily counter argument. But it feels like what I have to say is just interpreted as pointless bickering with no use and like I’m not listening just because I don’t agree.

And eventually I get tired of being told that so your right. I stop trying. Sorry that’s on me. The anime gifs will probably never stop though. I like them. They have meaning when I don’t want to say things for one reason or another but I want people to be able to… maybe figure out what my thoughts are without directly saying it.

Anyways what do you want to know?

Thank you…