Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

Which Lemon did, when only two people (Zorvo. Magnus) was pushing him, yet you townread him.



I claimed vig to bait the kill.

memes rescinded earlier
i was pretty sure it was fake since d2

Well judging by magnus’ ability, it looks like he probably used it on Memes.

I don’t think a vigilante visits if they aren’t blasting so the claims would have lined up.

I mean this. LOL

You expect me to think that you thought they’d kill a vig claim over Magnus and yet you say that Magnus was always dying last night with no chance of you dying? Something isn’t adding up here…

I’m aware that he did.

Like if I was really a vig, I wouldn’t announce it. The way I play vig is I pocket those who I wolf read, make them feel safe, then I kill them at night. Because if they flip wolf, wolves would never think I’d kill the player I falsely townread. It backfires sometimes though, but as a vig, I have a PoE in the thread that is slightly different than my PoE in my private notes.

lol and Magnus, if I’m not mistaken.

Not even surprised that Memes completely ignored the post where I explained my reads either.

while you’re here
do you have anything in terms of reads
you haven’t been active much

Yaaah! Considering the alignment cop died, a vigilante is the next best thing to kill.

lol and Magnus barely posted?

Magnus barely posted?

Lol posted more than you now.

And yet you’re claiming that Magnus was the optimal kill.

if you were actually vig and you mis-shot
we’d be in mylo today

I’m very effective as a vig. I have receipts of that too. Wolves would never see me coming.

One of the hardest things I ever had to adapt to. I’m trusting to a fault. I believe everyone at their word. Mafia is a hard game for me because of this and the only way I can play it with success is to find someone I can trust to a fault… in my mind. Right or wrong. If I’m right we play better but if I’m wrong GGs its not too different than any other style of play really everyone will be wrong sometimes and lose because of it… my method is just… different.

Now to head off to bed for real. Good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

But I didn’t do this for this game and my play has been horrible.