Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

Zorvo is definitely a villager here. I’m at least as confident about that as you are about SK being a villager. He doesn’t act like this as a wolf.

Zorvo Jaiden or Jarek… probably…I dunno I’m ass at scum hunting. I mostly just know I don’t want to kill my TRs and… I’m probably getting played.

Oh Lemon… I’m fine with that too

Sorry Lemon

I’d go for Jaiden the most out of all of those honestly. Pretty sure if we execute Jarek and he’s telling the truth that he just shoots you and we lose the game at this point and I’m sorry for not defending you earlier when he was saying that he’d shoot you.

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leafia trying to ml me for the 3rd game in a row

name ONE time ive been scum
go on
name it

Explain to me how you’re a villager then. Also, my.vote is on May and I don’t even desire to execute you right now. I only said that out of Zorvo, you, and Jarek, I’d prefer you to get executed. That’s hardly trying to execute you.

I’ve only been in 2-3 other games with you and other games don’t affect your alignment this game.

I explained already, read what I have said about May please.

I’m not talking about just Jaiden I’m talking about Jaiden AND May together.

I’m not.
I’m saying your voting with/for wolves and not against them.
Common Sense.

…I voted with/ for you day 1

Voted against the OKaz wagon d2 just saw the wagon structure too late

But please do go on.

I don’t read ISOs tell me or don’t

And than tell me or don’t if I’m supposed to think that you being so adamant about things is important

Inb4 role fishing

Probably fine with Phraze too… but if another lhf wagon fux me I don’t think I ever vote the other one and I’m like mildly sure it’s one or the other and never both. Could be neither I think.

I honestly wouldn’t object to a Phraze execution either.


If we are both town and Hail was pure than

One or both of these is woof guaranteed. I’d actually maybe say both…

Inb4 I get called tunneled.

Wahgonnnn structureeeee

Like I didn’t even go back to this wagon to conf bias I went back remembering that Atlas no voted which is supposedly NAI and I remembered others did too and wanted to see who cause it pinged me considering the wagons

Jarek (and Atlas) no voting in iso might not be bad but looking at the wagon structure and the flips…it kind of just looks bad right? Am I off base here?

I gotta go to bed bbl

Hmmmm, you might be. It’s toughto tell for sure. While possible that one of them is a wolf, I’m slightly leaning towards both of them being villagers for now, although if one of them is a wolf, I feel that it’s always Atlas. Jarek doesn’t strike me as particularly scummy.

Good night.

Who claimed watcher? Because that rolebis too OP to exist in a game light PR game like this with a flipped alignment cop AND a motion detector (sensor).