Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

No…that is literally not remotely close to what I was saying? I was saying that it made me giggle how hyper you were

That’s all there is to it :slightly_frowning_face:

Great question! I have no clue in amount of hours. “Shortly” means as soon as I get out of bed (I’m on my phone right now).

3 TRs: Jarek, SK, …Zorvo?
3 SRs: Leafia, Arctic… Neon? (Probably not all together)

Jarek I’ve townread since forever, SK and Zorvo because… honestly, I don’t have anything better, I’m paranoid, and the way Leafia engaged with them seemed like the way one would with two villagers exploding at each other.

Leafia and Arctic because of their scum equity from yesterday, alongside the way they just feel scum to me in isolation. Neon is… a mediocre choice, honestly. I don’t strongly scumread her, I more have my eye on her as a high poster and all. I can absolutely still see her being scum, but she’s mostly up here because all my other reads are in the space of “TR for now to avoid paranoidposting in thread while I watch equity with others”.

This isn’t the most accurate way to explain my thinking, of course, but it’a what was asked, and this is the best I can do with the format. A few connections:

At least one of Neon/Zorvo/Memes is almost certainly scum (Hail wagon D1 was probably not pure). Memes’s EoD Phraze vote yesterday catches my attention because I think Jarek v O kazo was town v town, and scum might have an instinct to stay off it (though with experience comes the WIFOM of well, would Memes know better.)

Here’s where I first mentioned the Leafia read, by the way - it was off my Atlas wagon that I first noticed that, though Atlas’s reaction to my Leafia top TR also contributed (a very carefully neutral “hey can you explain this”, which was their top priority upon seeing my readlist, a very muted reaction to me immediately dropping it upon being asked - they just summarized back it back - which felt like Arctic was trying not to appear biased on a scumbuddy).

This is all still certified Mobile Phone Analysis, so I can’t fully go back and ISO anyone, and my thoughts are trapped within the Small Cage of the phone screen rather than the Open Field of my laptop’s. I need to get my Wii U Gamepad so that I can become truly enlightened.

it looks more like a villager who thinks they got the game solved
not saying his solve is right but Zorvo open-wolfing at this point as scum does not make sense strategically

Good news and bad news. Good news is that I don’t remember posting that, so I can’t stand by it. The bad news is that I just responded to your question of three SRs with Leafia and Neon (and Atlas).

My main reads are just, like, equity - neutral reads with caveats of “I want to see how they behave with XYZ vote”, which means it’s hard for me to give a list of scumreads and townreads because everything’s about those spiderwebs. I have a lot of thoughts on the game, just… not a ton on which group of people I feel are acting aligned are the scum.

Leafia/Neon I’d have to backread for specifically - my instinct is just that Leafia is clearly at least somewhat prepared to go out, so I doubt the scum’d be hard defending her at this point. I’m not sure if they’ve made themselves aligned during previous days or not.

you didn’t really talk about your suspicions of Zorvo before this post so asking if you’re tunneling seems pretty ingenuous to me
further, your previous post literally said you scumread Neon and Leafia and unsure on everyone else

someone tell me if this isn’t scum because I really think it is

I buy the conviction though

I don’t believe in reading behavior. Behavior is easily faked.

Lmao what

There’s no way that wagon is pure unless wolves are just literally doing nothing

Who is arctic here?

Alternatively… it was and wolfs did nothing and that’s why we had 2 no voters that phase because WE as town served the best ML to the wolfs as town

Huh? Behavior is not easily faked because that shows on a subconscious level

It’s insanity. I plead insanity.

I believe I was specifically referencing the fact that I had spent my entire D1 legitimately tunneling Zorvo, and that’s colored my read for the rest of the game - I currently TR him, but I think I wanted to be able to say to myself he was difficult for me to read because he was scum. I currently don’t stand by a Zorvo execution. That would be bad. Don’t do it.

Atlas again. I keep doing that. Thanks for pointing it out, I’ll go fix it to avoid confusion.

I guess you have a point

This turns around back to Jarek for me


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I fake behavior every game as scum. It’s really not hard

My point exactly. Watch Jarek is a woof with vengeful lol.

I think you are confusing behavior with playstyle.

Naw I can fake both lol

further, the read that Atlas/Neon was theatre based on personal experience
the self-focus of the read is also something I find towny

Zorvo’s first read on me for “taking back” a TR on them was also v. self-focused