Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

I don’t know about wolf with vengeful? I feel like if he’s wolf he’s fake claiming

Idk if mafia gets extra kp given the amount they have

That’s what everyone thinks because they’d like to think they dont have patterns that identify them, we do t want to accept that there are things that makes us predictable.

it’s not
you’re probably not reading it right

also, this is mafia
if you’re not reading behaviour, then what are you reading?

side note in case you’re misunderstanding me: by behaviour, I mean everything from what they say in posts, what they put as reads, who they push or don’t push, who they vote, etc.

I’d like to ask everyone to unvote while i work on my analysis, i’d hate to invest time on this only to find out i cannot post it because someone got hammer early.

I give you permission to chop me if within the next 10 hours you dont see results from me.


Yeah, fair. My vote is still on Leafia in spirit.

Am off for the day now. Curious to see what Memes comes up with. And I agree that predictable is a thing.

VOTE: Leafia

hmmm yeah a little bit

wow can we kill this too?

What did I do??

but how do you read this?
because this lines up with Zorvo’s behaviour and I don’t think it comes from scum

give your 3 strongest TRs and 3 strongest SRs

oh whoop I read that as “what should I do?”

what you did was: jump in thread, provide nothing, and vote Leafia without an explanation

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Strongest TRs:

Strongest SRs:

Not very strong I know.

What’s wrong with that?

at that point in time, the wagon was pure
the people that jumped on really quickly and then left one after another could still be scum (I don’t remember who they are though)

it’s scummy


you can’t seriously think we’re aligned
I literally tried to call for a Leafia wagon at some point


yes, I’ve totally not pushed anyone (sarcasm)