Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

You were assuming there were too many wolves. Going off of pure random chance, 13-2 is mildly scumsided. You can look this up. Once you take into account PRs and social deduction, it’s probably not actually practically scumsided, but it’s not natural to assume 3-4 wolves if you’re VT.

On Discord, I have an emote that’s just the classic white impact font text with a black border. Says “LYING”. Please imagine I’ve put it here.

It literally is natural and 13-2 is so townsided it isn’t even funny. Scum has virtually no chance of victory. Even in mountainous games, 3-4 wolves would be balanced for 15 players.

In fact, in mountainous games on this site, that’s usually the ratio.

The idea of there being 4 wolves stood out so much to people in the signup threads that there were arguments about whether it was balanced. It is unnatural to assume 4 wolves and I will stand by it. Not going to get into extensive arguments about the math, look it up, 13-2 is scumsided with town choosing exes at random, but I’m standing by that.

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The balance used for mountainous games is usually 20-25% of the players as wolves and it was said in the OP that PRs exist.

Town doesn’t decide exes at random though and you’re wrong. 13v2 is heavily townsided. Look at any mountainous game on this site May.

A 13-2 game would never get past the review phase and you know it.

Bad argument waste of time. I need to stop trying to prove to the scum they’re scum. For everyone else, Leafia had two slips in the earlygame that I noted:

  • Knew there were 4 wolves ahead of time, pretended to forget how many there were, suggested 3-4 wolves when that’s scumsided in a game with low power. Assuming there’s high power is unnatural for a VT claim (I think she’s one of those)
  • Completely ignored Sillykitty, the person she was voting at the time, being revealed to be an alt Min, but did comment on the conversation explaining what everyone else was saying to Hail, as if ignoring information on a teammate she had already.

The second relies on Leafia/SK W/W, which might be a hard sell, but the first is independent. Pleeeaaase take these into account VOTE: Leafia

Even look at ToS. It uses 4 mafia along with a neutral evil to balance things out and even in classic, there’s jester, exe, sk, and 3 mafia. So don’t give me this bull about 2 mafia being mafia sided for a 15 player game.

This is howling right here. I wasn’t pretending. Especially when the game literally has 4 wolves making your argument null and void.

Why the heck would I comment on it? It’s not like it changes anything.

This is obvious wolf and needs to die today. She’snot even trying to use logic and she’s trying to pass off the stupidest stuff as slips. VOTE: May

@Phraze If you want to prove to me that you’re a villager, get your vote off of me and onto May.

I will not be baited. I will not try to convince the wolves that they’re wolves. If anyone other than the person I’m accusing is confused or doubts these slips, I will happily explain to them. I am not going to get into a big fight with someone about game balance, something generally perpendicular to the game, because I’m trying to convince them their slip was a slip. I am a normal mafia player who is good at mafia. These are the affirmations I must repeat to myself.

Anyway, the fact that I’m feeling pushback on this Leafia train does make me only more determined - this is the polar opposite of the way the Hail or O kazo trains moved. It’s confidence in pushing my gut reads that I normally struggle with in mafia, so I’m glad that Leafia has worked to give me the courage to keep pushing this.

I don’t want to spend today arguing with everyone else on exactly who Leafia’s wolf partners are, because my read is independent and does not depend on that, but I’d love to hear thoughts about my Leafia/Atlas/SK world from people who are not Leafia, Atlas, or SK, because I’m known to go insane when left to my own devices (you all haven’t seen what my messages to spectators look like when I’m silenced). I want to make it clear that my priority is still getting out a wolf today, and I firmly believe Leafia is by far the best choice here - I’m only really interested in going after Atlas and SK after her flip (and if it’s not wolf, I’ll have to delete my entire brain and start over, but that’s a scenario that is too improbable for me to consider after the events of today).

Doesn’t anyone else see what May is trying to do here? She’s trying to make me having a different opinion as her look like a slip. That is not villagery behavior.

TLDR if anyone that isnt Leafia SK or Atlas is reading thread right now please talk to me I will go insane trying to solve this alone

I’m not the wolf here May. You are and your so called slips don’t exist and I think you know it.

I misread this as claiming that I don’t exist. I think the wolves should do that next. Vote out May, she’s been N1ed again and all that remains is our collective hallucination… we can’t solve the game until we move past this tragedy and accept his death.

This absolutely never comes from a villager. May is howling now and I’m going to make sure she’s the execution for today.

This made me giggle a bit admittedly. Giggles

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