Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

This was my last wolf game I think? I don’t think I’ve randed wolf since afair

I’m dough btw

Do you think leafia is town?

Yah after 5 posts i had already scum read you.

You were obvious mafia there

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Honestly this is a villagery post because I would be mad if I’m getting teamed with the people i actively push and scum read. It is the biggest of insults.






I honestly was Lmfao

Can I know why or be linked to a towncasr r smth

My thoughts exactly honestly.

This does make sense in worlds where you’re a villager to be honest.

Partnering me with May at this point is just as dumb as partnering me with you. You’re doing the exact same thing you’re complaining that she’s doing at this point.

This is exactly what May is doing right now.

because in my world it’s May or Leafia and all the people who want to defend May seem to be voting Leafia. It seems simple that for this reason Leafia is town. But maybe that’s a bit too simple.

Not to mention you were at least townleaning me D2 SK. What happened?

You’re scum with Leafia because she encouraged Zorvo’s execution of you in an attempt to clear herself, I think. Not super confident in the read. Everything else is just supporting evidence

You can’t possibly be serious there. Did you not see how SK reacted or even think at all before claiming this?

Forgetting the number of wolves is not AI. Estimating the number of wolves at 3-4 is AI.

Also I got the Min idea because of the confusion with Arctic/Atlas - Memes mentioned that if they were the same person, I’d have known because of wolfchat. I can find it later. In class RN

Well I had to leave early into through backreading thread with this world in mind, so if I go back over the parts where SK went after you and think it’s not W/W, I’ll change my theory. It’s all a working theory with how much I remembered at the time, and I don’t have a particularly good memory.

Ummm, no thinking the number of wolves is 3-4 is not ai. 5 is far too many wolves for a 15 player game. So it has to be 3-4.

Still 100% certain you’re a wolf here. You’re literally making up stuff to make me look wolfy when I was your top townread yesterday. Not only that, but you’re sti alive despite being a very strong player. I find it difficult to believe that there’s any chance you could be a villager here honestly.

In fact, wolves know how many wolves there are even if they didn’t read the OP, so they wouldn’t be wondering that.