Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

Dude fuck off

You have no right to accuse me of attacking people personally. I have only called peoples reads shit. If that hurts your feelings, maybe don’t play mafia?

If there’s one thing I hate, it’s other people saying shit that isn’t true to make me look bad. Saying bad words is not an emotional attack

I do not attack people outside of mafia

I do not ever bring up anything outside of mafia

Your game of mafia play is not at all a figure of yourself

I’m so tired of it lol

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You’re implying I intentionally insult people for non mafia related reasons which pisses me off

Maybe don’t do that? Thx

Yeah I’m gonna just leave before unproductive things happen

Arguing in postchat is cringe

I also have work

So bye lol

Good luck on your adventure to uh. Prove your point I guess? Bye

engineer gaming

so uh
why did o.kazo claim they were rbed again

Cause town was throwing

it wasn’t they claimed it once
they said before their death “i’m fine with being killed if it proves to you there’s a roleblocker”

which they were right but we didn’t rolestop them

actually it was “if it proves to you i was roleblocked”

Was Mafia chat made public?



general reminder to everyone to please be respectful to each other

If you believe another player broke our toxicity rules or ATE rules, please report them to the moderation team

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This post sucks I’m not going to hit “reply” on it but I can’t keep it to myself



Guves you a comforting leafhug

Sing while mafia to pocket Magnus hard.

Oh no. I always fall for the most obvious tricks.

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I’m with Min on this. Saying someone’s reads are bad isn’t a pl ersonal attack.