Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...


mean to me on the internet smh

He was practically an honorary wolf this game.

Actually, May can be a wolf too.


Sorry about that Neon.

True. How’s it feel to know you townlocked a wolf D1 just because they defended you? I’m curious.

You said I was bad at Fall Guys >:( I am but that’s not relevant right now (also for the record I was lying about nearly every win I said I had at the time)

yes but please consider it was setup for the toontown joke and was therefore funny


I’d do it again.


Just should’ve listened to myself on d2 on SK

Should’ve listened to myself on Atlas should’ve listened to myself on you should’ve listened to myself on a lot of things.

My last 4 games have just been demoralizing

I mean games where you don’t even get a wolf are like that. My first game was like that, my second game was like that, it’s just a trend that follows me and I hate it

tbf I defended atlas because I fell for it :pensive:

I just… had one thing I was really good at and these last 4 games I’ve fucked up…I can’t even find town anymore


You’re telling me to change a literal aspect about my personality for you to read me properly

Like that ain’t my problem you saw this game and want to…push me for the wrong reasons in the future?

From now on, you must act noticeably different depending on your alignment, so we can read you more clearly.
Sing while Town, dance while Mafia.



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It will not be for wrong reasons in the future. You better hope 1 of three things:

  1. That you can keep a head on your shoulders and not emotionally attack players for scum reading you.

  2. That i dont have a killing role.

  3. That im scum, because i will let you emotionally charge at another player as scum.

There were a few reasons why I should of been wolfread

“Being mean and aggressive” is not one of them

There is one thing in all of my games town or scum: I always respond bad to pressure I personally find dumb or invalid of alignment

This game, I hardtunneled my partners, only for my reads to dissapate with like, zero explanation. I completely dropped hardpushing atlas and only pushed leafia again mostly during mylo and the day before mylo because I thought she was going over for certain. You can literally pinpoint it and see how wolfy my hard pushing turning into ignorance on my partners was

None of this has anything to do with my aggressive playstyle. If you play at LEAST more than one game with me and you unironically still make reads based off of me (especially scumreading me )responding bad to pressure or me being angry or annoyed at any point it is NOT me who is the “bad player” just fyi

It is extremely dumb to rely only on meta, but ignoring it and only using textbook information that doesn’t even work on 75% of players will never help you improve

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You are literally saying “play the way I want or I will kill you”

Thanks for the heads up to NOT join games with you in them if you’re going to treat me this way

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Implying I “emotionally attack” people is bullshit. fyi and I’m not going to let someone blatantly lie about something like that publicly. This game I said peoples reads were bad. That is part of the game. If I didn’t say reads were bad, how am I supposed to win?

Some people do have bad reads. That isn’t an “emotional attack” that is those people having bad reads on me lol


That is not playing. Attacking another player is never fair play, play better, play mafia, attack the play not the player, if attacking the player is part of your playstyle then yes, just dont play man because it is not fun for any of us to be a target of your emotional outbursts for suspecting you. You do it as both alignments yes, is it ok? Absolutely not.

Must i provide proof of you doing it?

Cause i can, you know i can