Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...


im trying to let lemon get a start in the game
because she seems like the type of person to sort of give up under pressure
which i prefer doesn’t happen if she’s town


I don’t think they say it if they are town and not PR.

I can understand that, I’m also new to this. It’d suck if they buckled under pressure, that being said, their initial behaviour was not town like to me.

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Look, used too much words in wolfchat and Neon starts coping you.

i agree
it doesn’t change my read, but nevertheless

Inb4 Lemon claims innocent child and is nightkilled.

So far my reads are…



Mixed feelings




Now im going back to read the entire game for full context and see what i can find.

I legitimately can’t tell if this is a repeated typo or if it’s intentional. It’s funny though, I don’t mind.

I think the proper term in that scenario is “what made me drop down?”

Can’t believe you think I’m a wolf.
Have you been reading my posts?

I’m not derailing Convo.

you aren’t acting like you normally would as town
do you disagree with this statement?


Oops Im sorry

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Hmm ok I am going to make my legendary grouping reads

I’ll make them tomorrow cause I just realized I need to sleep for work in the morning.

and why’s that
you said you were attempting to improve, which would logically change your behaviour
im saying it could either be that or you’re scum

Why are you assuming someones play style actively goes against conventional mafia play?