Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

I don’t know.
I can see both being a case.

But I think there is at least 1 wolf in that quartet/qintett

Oh no. I’m not going to condemn this, I’ve done this exact thing before.
Phraze, can you explain your read?

Which would you think is the most likely wolf?

Elaborate this one.


I’m gonna need you to not have your third post be a naked vote

this is curious
you evidently started showing your change in emotion when neon started bringing hers up, and your reactions to her wallposts seemed overall positive
but what makes it so others couldn’t have an opposite opinion?
you’re not just asking for phrazes read, you’re saying its bad and scummy before hearing it

also, yes
i’ve been here, although my mind starts to screw up around now
so apologies for any inconvenience
neon’s posts recently are good and well thought out, is my opinion

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Host reminds - friendly people live longer*

* Curry, O. S., Rowland L. A., Van Lissa, C. J., Zlotowitz, S., MxAlaney, J., Whitehouse, H. (2018). Happy to help? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of performing acts of kindness on the well-being of the actor, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 76, 320-329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2018.02.014


Neon (2): Jarek, Phraze
Lemonfairy (2): DirectorHail, Magnus
sillykitty2366 (2): Zorvo, Leafia
O.kazo (2): Jaiden, Lemonfairy
Leafia (1): sillykitty2366
Magnus (1): Memes

Not Voting (5): O.kazo, lol, May, Atlas, Neon


Neon was acting frustrated earlier, complaining that nobody was reading their ISO, accepted their death and tried contributing to society.

Oh, I don’t mind the vote itself.
It’s the voting on a wagon without explaining yourself. When I did it that one game, everyone thought I was being opportunistic.

good morrow, gentlepeople! i will catch up soon, however there have been setbacks as of recent and due to said setbacks it may take some time.


you specified “I will not condone this”
which makes it sound along the lines of “this is awful and bad”

Have the hosts stated if this is (or is not) a role madness game? That may be useful.

my mistake
i must’ve misread it

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I’m pretty sure it’s role madness; there are just PRs and there are VTs.

that just made me make a fool out of myself
moving on

There are VTs.

It’s in the OP

This is like word for word the definition of mafia and a very weird post.

Imma call it an attempt at shading me.

SK still calling me out on my BS.

Or at least what they percieve to be my BS.

Weak distancing? Maybe?

Based take ngl. Town me is more willing to die than scum me for a myriad of reasons. Especially if I see benefit to town.



This is… just a weird reason to scum read someone

Starting to feel tunneled because all I keep seeing is W/W equity

Alright, thank you.