Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

Go tell the other wolves to vote me too.


Hey wolves bus Zorvo

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It’s called an ISO.

Thanks for proving to EVERYONE in the game that you don’t read posts and some of your stuff here (this as example) is flawed due to you not wanting to read properly.

I actually think that your trolling at this point lol


I went to MU and found my most recent wolf game that isn’t a Terb

And a Town game


Now maybe people will see that I’m actually the one providing the correct logic here and I’m not just talking out of my toes like you.

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Oh please I can’t wait…

Especially when I flip town and you realize you hard tunneled a town for 2k posts for no reason with shittty logic. If your town you should see that at some point.

But you will probably just blame me for your blindness anyways

You can look at the next post I made then. :grin:

I don’t find you Townie and everything you done as been either null or wolfy for me. :grimacing:

Respond to this within an hour please.

See my point was that this isn’t legendary or even great it’s kinda basic my dear friend

So…still waiting for something


Also the fact you needed to wait a day to say something so basic you could’ve said last night amuses me so

Yes. Because your blinded by a tunnel.

I’ve made myself findable you not finding me is on you not me.

And makes me really find it hard to find you because you have proven unwilling to move off your tunnel and you only SR people who mention that you might actually be acting kind of scummy.

It’s bad form especially if you are actually town.

You have never and will never reeval my slot you’ve proven that. The only thing that gives me pause on your slot is the many times I’ve been told that this is just Zorvo being Zorvo lol

I’m taking it as a badge of honor that wolves in that game were more afraid of me than they were of Marl. ^_^

Yeah. Memes is trending downwards for me too. it just feels like he’s trying to throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

I can understand your skepticism honestly and it feels like a villager trying to solve my alignment and being afraid that someone else could be wrong about me being town. Townlean for you.

Not that I necessarily disagree but what are your reasons for thinking that Neon is town?

It can help draw the wolves out of hiding if you analyze why everyone took the side they took in the conflict and how they reacted to it.

Slight townlean for Jaiden. I remember her being like this in Morbtainado too.

Sounds like a reasonable pl ossibility to me.

I’ve never seen a pl ost like this come from w!Seth. Either he has vastly improved his wolfgame or he’s just a villager.

Something said by no pr ever.

Don’t vote Leaf. Silly is a better vote.

I actually think i thg sounds pretty villagery actually. You can have a toenlean from me for now. It feels you’re giving up, and in a villagery way. I doubt a eolf would be acting the way you are right now.

Yeah. Zorvo is town. Take it from the resident Seth reading master.

Same here. It feels like an attempt to get Magnus misexed. It feels like a repeat if the last game he got a lot of votes on him D1. In fact, I’m vetoing a Magnus exe. Pretty sure he’s a villager here and we need him alive to have a good shot at winning this.

This is what I think as well. No way is the wagon on Magnus not scum motivated.

Also, the conflict between Zorvo and Neon kind of feels like v vs. v if you ask me.

It’s literally what my grouping reads is and it’s legendary cause it’s right.

Like it either contains a wolf or one group contains all of them.


Remind me who I’m voting though?
Also remind me who I voted before that.

What are your reads on everyone looking like Seth?